
  • 网络Indian Epic;purana
  1. 摩诃婆罗多伟大的印度史诗里有这么一段话:

    a line from the Mahabharata , the great Indian epic :

  2. 我记得摩诃婆罗多,伟大的印度史诗里有这么一段话:

    And I remembered a line from the Mahabharata , the great Indian epic :

  3. 罗摩印度史诗《罗摩衍那》的大英雄,成为了毗瑟奴的一个化身。

    Rama , the great hero of the Hindu Odyssey , the Rama yana , who is made into an avatar of Vishnu .

  4. 认为印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》在史诗的表现特征上、叙事结构上以及全面地对人性加以诠释方面,具有独特审美表现的魅力。

    The essay thus argues that the Indian epic Mahabharata has its unique aesthetic charm in expressive characteristics , narrative structures , and comprehensive interpretation of humanity .

  5. 印度史诗的哲学体系反映出阿瓦塔的学说(毗瑟奴或神作为动物或人形的化身)。

    The philosophy reflected in the Hindu epics is the doctrine of the avatar ( incarnation of Vishnu or God as an animal or a human form ) .

  6. 这样的提及不是孤立的,但战役,用了一种奇迹的武器部署,航天交通工具在整个印度史诗里十分普遍。

    References like this one are not isolated ; but battles , using a fantastic array of weapons and aerial vehicles are common in all the epic Indian books .

  7. 大多数的这些文本是可信的,这一点是不容置疑的;多数是广为人知的古印度史诗本身,而且数以百计它们都是照字面上的意思。

    There is no doubt that most of these texts are authentic ; many are the well known ancient Indian Epics themselves , and there are literally hundreds of them .

  8. 影评人SudiptoChattopadhyay在他的博客中解释到,喀麦隆对电影名称的选择源于一部印度史诗。

    That 's according to writer and director Sudipto Chattopadhyay , who writes in the Passion for Cinema film blog that Cameron 's choice of title was deeply thought out from the Hindu perspective .

  9. 往世书和印度大史诗描述这一时期雅利安人分成不同的部落集团,而且人民中已经有被称为“罗阇”的领导者出现(王)。

    According to some history books and big Indian epics , Aryans were separated into several tribes with Rajah , the Indian chieftain .

  10. 在所有文化,剧场都扮演了非常重要的角色,从古希腊悲剧,日本歌舞町伎,再到印度的梵语史诗,中世纪的木偶剧院。

    Theatre forms a rich part of every culture , from ancient Greek tragedies and Japanese Kabuki , to Indian Sanskrit epics and the medieval world of Islamic puppet theatre .