
yìn huā shuì piào
  • revenue stamp;fiscal;bill stamp
  1. 中国第一枚印花税票问题近百年来一直是中华邮学和税票史研究的重大课题,留下多个难圆其说之处。

    However , the first Red Revenue Stamp has been a major issue in the study of Chinese Philately in the past hundred years , leaving a number of disputes and arguments .

  2. 印花税票为有价证券。

    Stamp duty ticket is negotiable securities .

  3. 花生果仁、油画、雕饰板、邮票、印花税票等。

    Peanut kernels , canvas , decorative carved boards , postage stamps , duty stamps , etc.

  4. 印花税票具有税收名片、税文化载体和税收宣传等8种功能。

    Tax stamps have eight functions such as name card of tax , the carrier of tax culture and tax promotion .

  5. 印花税票:印花税票是缴纳印花税的完税凭证,由国家税务总局负责监制。

    Stamp duty ticket : Stamp duty ticket is the duty paid proof of pay stamp duty , by national tax Wu total bureau is in charge of supervise the manufacture of .

  6. 在清末民初,当事人对未贴印花税票的应税凭证可拒收或退还,法庭可遇讼不理,但补贴并接受处罚者除外。

    In late Qing Dynasty and early of the Republic of China , the parties may refuse or return taxable receipts failed to affix stamps and the court can ignore this kind of lawsuit unless the stamps were well attached and penalties were imposed .