
  1. 减轻农民负担,规范征收行为,稳定负担水平,保证国民经济快速健康发展,是当前各地关注的热点和难点。

    Relieving farmers burden , regulating tax and fee collection , stabilizing the range of burden and ensuring the rapid healthy growth of national economy are the hot subject and knots under people 's attention .

  2. 在这种环境下,旨在逐步稳定债务负担使之恢复正常的举措肯定有用武之地。

    In this environment , measures to gradually stabilise debt burdens to restore normality surely make sense .

  3. 别忘了你的薪水不稳定你怎么负担得起?

    Don 't forget you got to add tax and fees . How are you going to afford that ?

  4. 这群20岁左右的年轻人经济状况尚不稳定,所以负担不起置办礼物和压岁钱的开支。

    Those in their 20s are not yet financially secure , so gifts and envelopes stuffed with cash are beyond their means .

  5. 通过对我国国有企业资本结构的分析,阐述了资本结构不稳定,债务负担过重是束缚我国企业发展的障碍。

    Based on capital structure analysis of state owned enterprises author points out that the unstable capital structure and dead weight debts is the obstacle which restrict the development of enterprises .

  6. 该方法计算简单,较好地避免了考虑暂态稳定约束后计算负担过重的问题。

    The proposed method is simple and can avoid the heavy calculation amount while the transient stability constraints are considered .

  7. 欧洲金融市场稳定基金目前的负担更重了,它已经严阵以待,防止这种恐慌蔓延出希腊,并且让其他国家在调整自己国家金融问题的时候,在可承受的范围内贷款。

    The EFSF , now with more heft , is there to stop panic spreading beyond Greece and to give other countries access to credit at a bearable cost while they fix their finances .