
zhǎn wàng
  • prospect;look to;look into the future;envision;envisage;look into the distance;prognosis
展望 [zhǎn wàng]
  • (1) [look into the future]∶对发展前途的预测

  • 可以展望我晚年的平静生活

  • (2) [look into the distance]∶往远处看;往将来看

  • 展望美好远景

展望[zhǎn wàng]
  1. 21世纪家用计算机展望

    21 Centuries Home Computers Look Into The Distance

  2. 并对我国民营企业内部治理结构的发展趋势进行展望。

    And look into the distance to the development trend of corporate inside governance of private-owned enterprises .

  3. 我们现在可以乐观地展望未来。

    We may now look forward with optimism .

  4. 展望未来,我们希望拓展其中几家海外分公司的业务。

    Looking forward , we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches .

  5. 如今回首往事我已不再感到悲痛,并且开始展望将来。

    Now I can remember without mourning , and begin to look ahead

  6. 展望未来的经济,失业率将会上升。

    The economic outlook is one of rising unemployment

  7. 他们只不过是在老调重弹,提出的声明中没有对未来的展望或设想。

    They are just bringing up all their old rehashed claims with no prospect or vision for the future .

  8. 展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。

    Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless .

  9. 现在领导层想要展望未来,为本世纪余下的时间勾画出战略纲要。

    Now the leadership wants to look forward , and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century

  10. 展望未来,政府将更加明确其计划,建设一个更清洁、更环保、更安全的英国。

    Looking to the future , the Government will firm up their plans for a cleaner , greener , safer Britain

  11. 不过,展望未来,我们问到他研制出防止感染的疫苗究竟有多大的可能性。

    Looking to the future , though , we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place .

  12. 继往开来,展望未来,完善的售后服务。

    Forward looking into the future , perfect after-sales service .

  13. 在构思这个计划时我们应展望遥远的未来。

    When we design this plan , we should look far ahead into the future .

  14. 论文展望了微液滴的发展前景

    At last future developments of micron op let in microfluidic are prospected .

  15. 我们知道人民对幸福生活的展望。

    We may get a clear perspective of the people 's happy lives .

  16. 最后对全文进行了扼要的总结,并提出展望。

    At the end , a compendious sum-up and an expectation were brought out .

  17. 年关是一个回顾和展望的好时机。

    The end of the year is an ideal time for strategic review and renewal . Stress is high .

  18. 白皮书阐述了中国对新时代国际发展合作的看法、行动和合作展望。

    The white paper expounded on China 's views on international development cooperation in the new era , the actions it has taken , and its plans for the future .

  19. 98%的企业家对中国经济复苏作出了非常乐观的展望,认为中国是发展最快的地区之一。

    China is seen as one of the fast-growing regions , as 98 percent of entrepreneurs said they are optimistic about China 's economic recovery in terms of GDP growth .

  20. 此刻他们一定是互相依偎着躺在地下的,看着这张洋溢着年轻人青春活力的照片,我百感交集,他们热情的笑容里面,充满了幸福与对未来生活的展望。

    They had been laid in each other 's arms inside the tomb . I can 't relate all the feelings I had while looking at that picture of them together , bursting with youthful energy , their eager smiles full of excitement and anticipation12 of their lives together .

  21. Internet宽带接入技术及展望

    Internet network broadband access technology and Prospect

  22. 展望了Bar基因和转Bar基因作物的应用前景。

    Application prospects of Bar gene and its transgenic crops were put forward .

  23. GPS在汽车上的应用展望

    Application Outlook of GPS in Automobile

  24. 通过在烟草行业中的应用分析,展望了基于PC的自动化控制的前景。

    According to the analysis application of tobacco industry , outlook the future of pc-based automation control .

  25. 随机RNA库筛选技术的发展与展望

    Random RNA Pool Selection : Developments and Prospects

  26. 展望了LIN总线的发展前景。

    The LIN - bus prospects for development are forecasted .

  27. 无线网络与无线USB技术展望

    Wireless networks and wireless USB technology foresight

  28. VHDL在动态存储测试领域中的应用展望

    The Application Forecast of VHDL in Dynamic Storage Measurement Territory

  29. 阐述了因特网的发展概况和图书馆在网络环境中的巨大变革,21世纪Internet技术展望。

    The internet 's development situations and library 's great transformation in the network surroundings and the prospects for the internet technology in the 21 century are expounded .

  30. IPv6技术分析及其前景展望

    IPv6 Technology Analysis and It 's Prospect