
  • 网络spread the wings;Luna&Krystal&Amber
  1. 鸟展开翅膀。

    The bird spread its wings .

  2. 思想如同小鸟儿,一旦被关进笼子里,或许能展开翅膀,但再也不能飞翔。

    Thought is like a bird , and once in a cage of words it can unfold its wings , but not fly .

  3. 欢乐就轻轻展开翅膀在园中回荡

    And joy , with pinions light , roves round the gardens

  4. 他展开翅膀,转身迎着海风。

    He stretched his wings and turned to face the wind .

  5. 展开翅膀、敞开心灵、放飞梦想。

    Spread your wings , open your heart and fly .

  6. 鸟儿展开翅膀,向岛上飞去。

    Spreading her wings the bird headed for the island .

  7. 我展开翅膀,飞走,和您一起走。

    To spread my wings and fly away , away with you .

  8. 受伤的鸟使劲地展开翅膀。

    The injured bird beat its wings with great difficult .

  9. 鸟儿展开翅膀,飞走了。

    The bird spread its wings and flew away .

  10. 我不是天使,但我已经展开翅膀了一下。

    I 'm no angel , but I 've spread my wings a bit .

  11. 张开羽翼,展开翅膀。

    Open your wings , spread them out .

  12. 以马内利阿,他展开翅膀,遍满你的地。

    Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land , O Immanuel !

  13. 展开翅膀我飞向远方。

    Spread my wings and fly away .

  14. 鹰雀飞翔,展开翅膀一直向南,岂是藉你的智慧吗。

    Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom , and stretch her wings toward the south ?

  15. 鹏鸟展开翅膀就像天空里的一大片云。

    When the bird was spreading its wings , it looked like huge clouds in the sky .

  16. 在都市的上空展开翅膀

    Flying over the City

  17. 她还没来得及开口申辩,他已展开翅膀飞走了,宫殿也随之消失。

    Before she could speak , he spread his wings and flew off . And the palace disappeared .

  18. 在梦想中你可以展开翅膀任意飞翔,但是你不能脱离实际。

    In the dream you can start any wings to fly , but you can not be divorced from reality .

  19. 展馆特色美国馆是一幢巨大的灰色钢制建筑,形状像一只雄鹰正展开翅膀对游客表示欢迎。

    The USA Pavilion is a mammoth gray steel structure meant to resemble an eagle stretching its wings in welcome .

  20. 谁都无法预言你能飞多高,如果不展开翅膀,你自己也无法知道。

    No one can predict to what heights you can soar , even you will not know until you spread your wings .

  21. 在饥馑仍在肆虐的地方,以马内利啊,求你展开翅膀,佑护你的儿女免于野有饿殍!

    Where famine yet rages , I entreat you , O Immanuel , spread your wings , protect your children from starvation !

  22. 生活就像一系列的降落和起飞,但我懂得了展开翅膀的方式不只一种。

    Life is a series of arrivals and departures , but I learned there is more than one way to spread your wings .

  23. 当暴风雨来临的时候,它会展开翅膀,这样暴风就可以把它拖起,将它置于暴雨之上。

    When the storm hits , it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm .

  24. “噢,那就算了。”那名演员说着,展开翅膀,飞出了窗口。

    " Well , I guess that 's that . " said the actor , as he spread his arms and flew out the window .

  25. 每当彩虹出现我只华丽飘过默默微笑,展开翅膀飞上蓝天高歌

    When a rainbow does appear I only radiantly flow by Spread wings and smile from ear to ear And in the high blue sing high

  26. 于是,基路伯展开翅膀,轮子都在他们旁边。在他们以上有以色列神的荣耀。

    Then the cherubim , with the wheels beside them , spread their wings , and the glory of the God of Israel was above them .

  27. 成千上万的鸡挤在一个大鸡棚内,终其一生都是被囚禁在狭小的鸡笼中,连展开翅膀的空间都没有。

    Tens of thousands of chickens are crowded into a large chicken sheds , imprisoned in small cages for their entire lives , without even the space to spread their wings .

  28. 彩虹挂起的地方蓝色的小鸟展开翅膀飞过彩虹身旁啊,为何为何,我不能效仿如果幸福的蓝鸟展开翅膀飞过彩虹身旁啊,为何为何,我不能效仿

    Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then , oh why can 't I ? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why , oh why can 't I ?

  29. 让企业家展开翅膀,同时关注于他们手头的业务,这需要你与他们共起伏,并引导他们朝着一个可能尚不明确的目标前进。

    Allowing entrepreneurs to spread their wings , yet remain focused on the business in hand , requires you to rise and fall with them and guide them towards a goal that may be as yet undefined .

  30. 仇敌必如大鹰飞起,展开翅膀攻击波斯拉。到那日,以东的勇士心中疼痛如临产的妇人。

    Behold , he shall come up and fly as the eagle , and spread his wings over Bozrah : and at that day shall the heart of the mighty men of Edom be as the heart of a woman in her pangs .