
  • 网络The Entourage;Entourage-Tree Trippers
  1. HBO电视网已经确认这将会是《明星伙伴》的最后一季。

    HBO has already confirmed this will be the final season for Entourage .

  2. 据说,美国家庭电影频道(HBO)电视剧《明星伙伴》(Entourage)里粗暴的阿里•高德(AriGold)就是以伊曼纽尔为人物原型。

    Mr Emanuel is reputedly the inspiration for the abrasive Ari Gold , the fictional star of the HBO drama series Entourage .

  3. 埃林是HBO热播剧《明星伙伴》(Entourage)的制作人,他向霍金提议在这部电视剧中给DeLeón安排一个出场机会,让剧中的聚会迷特特尔喜欢上这种酒。

    Ellin offered Dele ó n a bit part on his show , as the new favorite tequila of the party-loving character called turtle .

  4. 《明星伙伴》第八季又迎来一位明星客串了。

    Entourage has landed a big guest star for season eight .

  5. 马丁导演在《明星伙伴》第五季中就是这么读自己的名字的。

    The director says so himself in the fifth series of Entourage .

  6. 《明星伙伴》剧组的其他成员并没有出现。

    None of the other Entourage cast was here .

  7. 多次获奖的杰里米·派文有一个超级粉丝:美国总统奥巴马是他主演的剧集《明星伙伴》的铁杆!

    Actor Jeremy Piven has got himself a special fan-U.S.president Barack Obama is obsessed with the star 's TV show Entourage .

  8. 最小的是好莱坞著名经纪人阿里,同时他也是美国电视连续剧《明星伙伴》中阿里•高登的原型。

    The youngest is Ari , a Hollywood agent and the role model for the character Ari Gold in " Entourage , " an American television series .

  9. “贫民窟的百万富翁”是这届奥斯卡的大赢家,但是在典礼之后,阿里和她的明星伙伴回到了贫民窟的生活。

    " Slumdog Millionaire " was the big winner at the Oscars , but following the ceremony , Ali and her fellow child stars returned to slum life .

  10. 《明星伙伴》第六季中客串演员众多,与格兰尼同台的还包括说唱歌手李尔·韦恩和超级名模吉赛尔·邦辰的体育明星老公汤姆·布莱迪。

    The sixth season of Entourage will see Grenier line up against a string of celebrity guests including rapper Lil Wayne and supermodel Gisele Bundchen 's sports star husband Tom Brady .

  11. 《明星伙伴》讲述了一位有着远大抱负演员的生活。据悉奥巴马总统甚至不惜重新安排竞选活动的时间,以免错过了剧集的播映。

    The American leader is such a big fan of the series-which follows the life of an aspiring actor-that he would even rearrange his campaign commitments in order not to miss an episode .