
lián míng
  • jointly;jointly signed
联名 [lián míng]
  • [jointly signed;jointly] 许多人联合署名

  • 联名上告

  • 联名致电

  • 联名禀赴各大宪。--《广东军务记》

联名[lián míng]
  1. 证书上有联名签字。

    The bond was signed jointly and severally .

  2. 该院的几十名职工对张的行径表示愤慨,曾多次联名对张提出批评。三名中的两名裁判员必须给白灯信号,表示他们批准这次试举。

    Dozens of staff members expressed their indignation and jointly criticized her several times . Two of the three referees must approve the lift by signaling with a white light .

  3. 她和弗兰克还没有抽出时间去开联名账户。

    She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account

  4. 我们联名写了封信。

    We wrote a letter in joint names .

  5. 这些指控标志着苹果与报告联名作者之公众与环境研究中心(instituteofpublic&environmentalaffairs)主任马军之间的对峙升级。

    The accusations escalate a stand-off between apple and Ma Jun , director of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs , a co-author of the report .

  6. 比莉·艾利什x村上隆联名单品结合了这两位名人的独特风格,在图案中展示了二人的艺术视角,而且是专门为这家日本零售品牌设计的。

    The Billie Eilish x Takashi Murakami UT Collection will showcase the artistic perspectives of both stars through graphics combining their unique styles , which were exclusively designed for the Japanese retailer .

  7. 她还说,公司正在考虑与法国航空公司(AirFrance)及各大机场合作,开发手提箱的追踪功能。该公司已获得生产法航联名行李箱的特许权。

    She also said that Delsey was exploring possible collaboration on the suitcases " tracking capability with Air France , with which it already has a licensing agreement for co-branded luggage , and with airports .

  8. 去年7月,大约500名德国经济学家联名写信给安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)总理,抗议对银行债务的保护。

    In July , about 500 German economists wrote to Chancellor Angela Merkel to protest against the protection of bank debt .

  9. 昆明金鹰购物中心VIP卡设白金卡、金卡、银卡、中银-金鹰联名卡(以下简称联名卡)四种。

    Four types of VIP cards are offered by Kunming Golden Eagle Shopping Center : the Platinum card , the Gold card , the Silver card and the co-brand card .

  10. 这封道歉信由ABC广播公司负责监管该节目的副总裁丽莎·柏格和人才开发和多样化部门的副总裁麦克·尼尔联名签署。

    It was signed by Lisa Berger , an ABC executive vice president who oversees the Jimmy Kimmel Live show , and Tim McNeal , vice president of ABC 's talent development and diversity branch .

  11. 联名首席执行官、持有考普莱30%股份的大股东基特哈利迪(KitHalliday)表示,该公司如今可以为所有大型汽车制造商的全球生产线供应产品。

    Kit Halliday , joint chief executive and 30 per cent shareholder in the Coventry company , says the group can now supply the global operations of all the big car manufacturers .

  12. 一旦你激活这个你会发现你的FBX钻机可能或没有适当的联名。

    Once you activate this you will notice that your FBX rig may or may not have proper joint names .

  13. 新的研究利用中国各地数十年期间的污染数据,并由美国麻省理工学院(MIT)、北京的清华大学和北京大学,以及耶路撒冷希伯来大学(HebrewUniversityofJerusalem)的多名教授联名发表报告。

    Using decades of pollution data from across China , the new study , co-authored by professors from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US , Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beijing , and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,

  14. 孟加拉一家制衣厂遭遇惨烈的火灾后,数名沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)股东联名致信这个零售业巨头,表达他们对该公司工人工作环境、风险监控和事务公开透明度等问题的担忧。

    In the wake of the tragic factory fire in Bangladesh , a group of Wal-Mart investors sent a letter to the retail giant expressing concern about worker conditions , proper risk oversight , and transparency at the company .

  15. 三家银行由于上半年TJX公司的违规事件而造成用户信用卡的损失联名起诉了TJX公司。

    Three bank associations sued TJX Companies earlier this year for the cost of replacing their customers'credit cards following the TJX breach .

  16. 互联网巨头谷歌(Google)的一些在华合作伙伴联名致函谷歌,言词恳切地表示,如果谷歌关闭旗下的中文搜索引擎,它们的业务将陷入危险,并要求获知谷歌对它们的补偿方案。

    Google Partners in China Issue Plea to Web Giant A group of Google Inc. 's partners in China have sent an impassioned plea to the Internet giant , saying their businesses are in jeopardy if Google closes its Chinese search engine and demanding to know how they will be compensated .

  17. Arturo在门多萨动物园逝世,两年前曾有超过五十万民众联名请愿想把它送到加拿大生活。

    Arturo died in Mendoza Zoo , two years after a petition gathered more than half a million signatures seeking for him to be moved to Canada .

  18. 我们发现,生活在这条河北岸的人,预期寿命就少了5年半,麻省理工学院环境经济学教授、此项研究的联名作者之一迈克尔•格林斯通(MichaelGreenstone)表示。

    What we found is that people who live just north of the river have life expectancy of five and a half years [ less ] , said Michael Greenstone , a professor of environmental economics at MIT and a co-author of the study .

  19. 两年前,在那笔总值82亿美元、回购维旺迪(Vivendi,持有动视大部分股份的法国媒体集团)所持股份的交易中,科蒂克与动视联名主席布赖恩凯利(BrianKelly)联手投入了1亿美元。

    Together with Activision 's co-chairman Brian Kelly , he invested $ 100m two years ago as part of the $ 8.2bn deal to buy out Vivendi , the French media group that held a majority stake in the game maker .

  20. 上周,一群欧美商业代表联名致函美国贸易代表苏珊施瓦布(susanschwab)和欧盟贸易专员凯瑟琳阿什顿(catherineashton)警告,匆忙召开部长会议,会面临无法构建一定规模的、新出口市场的风险。

    Last week , a coalition of American and European business representatives wrote to Susan Schwab , US trade representative , and Catherine Ashton , EU trade commissioner , warning against a rushed ministerial meeting that did not deliver substantial new export markets .

  21. 该机构联名创始人、董事总经理凯莉霍伊(KellyHoey)表示,当今世界,创立科技企业的壁垒大幅降低,女性必须善于拓展人脉,与投资者及合伙人建立关系。

    Kelly Hoey , co-founder and managing director , says that in a world where the barriers to starting a tech company have dropped significantly , women need to be adept at networking to build relationships with investors and partners .

  22. 除了国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(dominiquestrauss-kahn)的几句温和责难、五位20国集团(g20)领导人软弱无力的联名抗议,美国的强硬姿态几乎没有得到任何支持。

    America received almost no support for its tough stance , save for some mild words of rebuke from Dominique Strauss-Kahn , the managing director of the International Monetary Fund , and a soft joint letter of protest from five leaders of the group of 20 .

  23. 王娴歌和她的丈夫肯尼斯(Kenneth)上月联名向驻曼哈顿的联邦法院提起诉讼,称王守昆及其子合谋伪造艺术品销售记录,从而劫掠遗产,并且谎报藏品下落。

    In a filing in federal court in Manhattan last month , Mrs. King and her husband , Kenneth , said that her brother and his son had conspired to loot the estate through sham art sales and had lied about the whereabouts of works .

  24. 该研究论文的联名作者、堪萨斯大学的马克・豪格(MarkHaug)说,“我最多只能说,九月份确实有些不同寻常的事发生。不管是什么,都很糟糕。但找不到一个合理的解释让人很抓狂。”

    From the best of my ability , I think there 's something up with September . No matter how you slice it up , it 's bad , ' says the University of Kansas ' Mark Haug , one of the authors of the report . ' It 's frustrating to not have an explanation . '

  25. 作家卢克·桑特(LucSante)也签署了联名抗议信。虽然他评价遇袭身亡的漫画家之一乔治·沃林斯基(GeorgesWolinski)的作品“充满人性、非常大度”,但认为部分《查理周报》供稿人传播的却是“不成熟的挑衅式幽默”。

    The writer Luc Sante , who also signed the letter of protest , said that while the work of Georges Wolinski , one of the cartoonists killed in the attack , " was humane and large-spirited , " some of Charlie Hedbo 's contributors trafficked in " sophomoric troll humor . "

  26. 论联名登记权&夫妻共有财产权的同等保护

    On the Right of Joint Registration & Protection of marital right

  27. 预计这些激动人心的联名单品将于五月末上市。

    The exciting collection it set to be released late May .

  28. 要警惕异常的账户活动或新的联名账户持有人。

    Be alert to unusual account activity or to new joint-account holders .

  29. 现在你需要检查正确联名骨架。

    Now you need to check the skeleton for proper joint names .

  30. 出口证申请书不能联名签署。

    No joint-signature is accepted for textiles export licence applications .