
  • 网络New urbanism
  1. 谈新都市主义&以北京万年花城为例

    Read new urbanism & With Beijing Wannian Flower City for instance

  2. 我国新都市主义实践探索

    Exploration of the Practice of the New Urbanism in China

  3. 新都市主义及其与现代居住区规划设计方法的比较

    New Urbanism and Comparison with the Planning Method of Modern residential District

  4. 新都市主义与旧区改造中的小户型设计

    New Urban Theory & Small Flat Design in Old Urban Area Reconstruction

  5. 城市公共空间品质与新都市主义设计

    Urban public space quality and New Urbanism design

  6. 浅析新都市主义的规划思想

    Brief analysis of planning thought of New Urbanism

  7. 本文阐述了新都市主义的主要规划思想和原则;

    This paper first gives an introduction about the main idea and principle of the new urbanism ;

  8. 这本期刊全部内容刊载关于新都市主义的文章,并有许多个案研究。

    This whole journal edition is devoted to New Urbanism , with a number of case studies .

  9. 随着新都市主义的发展,人们越来越多地关注建筑、城市的活力问题。

    As the new urbanism grew , people pay more attention to the vitality of architecture and city .

  10. 本文的重点在于论述新都市主义理论指导下的城市大盘房地产项目规划设计出现的新理念。

    The emphases of this disquisition is discussing the new theory in the planning of the residential community creating in suburb in China under the guide of the New Urbanism .

  11. 因此以此观点为基础,文章最后对发展和建设中国本土化的新都市主义社区提出了前瞻性的合理建议和展望。

    So in accordance with the forward viewpoint , the disquisition eventually offers reasonable suggestion and predictive prospect , which refer to the development and construction of the Chinese localized New Urbanism community .

  12. 规划设计的理念为新都市主义,倡导的是一种快节奏、低生活成本、高娱乐的都市“跃动人群”生活模式,强调居住背景、个性化生活;

    Planning and design concept for the New Urbanism , initiated a fast-paced , low cost of living , high-entertainment city " vibrant and people " lifestyle , emphasizing housing background , personal life ;

  13. 同时文章也探讨和分析了以传统邻里开发和交通导向开发两种模式为代表的国外新都市主义社区的实践情况及其给予我国的重要启示。

    Meanwhile the disquisition probes and analyses the practice of the New Urbanism communities abroad in the representation of Traditional Neighborhood Development ( TND ) and Transit-Oriented Development ( TOD ) including the revelations to us .

  14. 本文的研究内容是针对近期大城市郊区大型的房地产项目越来越热衷于打造新都市主义社区这一现象的。

    In this disquisition , it is to the question of the phenomena that more and more land agents high on creating the large real estate items of big city suburban area as the New Urbanism community in the near future .

  15. 从新都市主义的设计理念作为切入点,阐明了新都市主义在住区规划设计与实践中所倡导的重视生态平衡、邻里设计、构筑复合社区、文化资源保护等思想;

    Firstly , based on the design concept of new urbanism , the ideas of new urbanism in the residential community design are analyzed , such as stressing ecological balance , designing neighborhood , constructing compound residential communities , protecting cultural resources , and so on .

  16. 结合北京万年花城居住区规划实例,指出了新都市主义对居住区规划发展的积极意义,同时也指出了新都市主义在我国实施的困难和发展前景。

    Then taking the Beijing Wannian Hua City Community Master Plan for example , The author points out the active significance of the new urbanism f or the community planning development , and presents the difficulties of the implementation and the future of the new urbanism as well .