
  1. 央视在新浪微博认证账户中写道:“我们真的想知道你爸是谁。”

    We really want to know who your father is , ' the broadcaster wrote on its verified Weibo account .

  2. 央视在新浪微博认证账户中写道:我们真的想知道你爸是谁。

    ' We really want to know who your father is , ' the broadcaster wrote on its verified Weibo account .

  3. 北京市政府发言人王惠一直通过她新浪微博的认证账户发布人们在被淹街道上帮助陌生人的暖人消息以及有关滞留北京机场的乘客的信息。

    Beijing municipal government spokeswoman Wang Hui has been using her verified account on Sina Weibo to post heartwarming messages about people helping strangers cross flooded streets and information about passengers stuck at the airport .

  4. 北京市政府试图先发制人地打消网上的批评。王惠通过新浪微博实名认证账户,发出有关人们帮助陌生人走过积水马路的信息,同时回应了网民关于警方对受困车辆贴罚单的抱怨。

    Beijing authorities attempted to head off criticism online , with Ms. Wang using her verified account on Sina Corp. 's Weibo microblogging service to post messages about people helping strangers cross flooded streets . She also responded to complaints that police were leaving tickets for abandoned vehicles .

  5. 新浪微博一名认证用户说,不管他是谁,从先例来看,他的下场都不会好。

    No matter who he is , one verified user wrote , if precedent is any guide , his fate won 't be good .

  6. 然而去年,为了压制公众辩论,政府对新浪微博上部分经过认证的最著名的评论人士采取了严厉措施。这些俗称“大V”的微博用户被指传播虚假消息,并遭到拘捕。

    But last year in an attempt to quiet public debate , the government cracked down on some of the forum 's most prominent verified commentators , nicknamed the Big Vs , accusing microbloggers of spreading false statements and detaining them .