
  • 网络Lean Operation
  1. 精益运营支撑系统的关键特征和发展目标

    Key Features and Target of the Lean Operations Support Systems

  2. 最后总结归纳出在目前线束、连接器制造、组装行业中采用精益生产方式进行运营管理的主要特征,并对其提出合理化建议,以推广到国内的其他类似企业中应用精益运营管理。

    Finally summarized up in the current wiring harness , connectors manufacturing and cable assembly industry , the use of lean production approach to operations management of the main features , and its rationalization proposals put forward to promote the domestic application of other similar companies lean operations management .

  3. 但企业传统的成本管理系统与精益运营模式不匹配。

    However , the traditional cost management mechanism does not match lean operation .

  4. 精益运营呼唤新一代电信运营支撑系统

    Lean Operation Calls for New Generation Operational Support Systems

  5. 物流精益运营与物流作业成本核算

    Logistic Lean Operation and Logistics Activity-Based Cost Accounting

  6. 21世纪以来,企业经营环境急剧变化,基于“快、准、好、省”的精益运营成为了世界上众多企业追逐的经营管理目标。

    Lean operation characteristic of quickness , effectiveness and cost-reduction has been adopted by many enterprises since21st century .

  7. 这是为了降低成本,但也是全面转向精益运营的一部分,使制造商专注于自己眼里的核心领域,例如产品开发和营销。

    This is to cut costs but it is also part of a general shift to slim operations and concentrate on what they regard as core areas , such as product development and marketing .

  8. 本文从精益运营的核心理念入手,分析了传统成本管理的缺陷并对其进行了再造,最后探讨了精益运营模式下的成本管理框架。

    Based on the core idea of lean operation , this article analyzes the limitation of traditional cost management and reconstructs it , finally , it discusses the cost management framework under lean operation mode .

  9. 本文通过对物流作业成本四个关键要素即作业成本、作业时间、作业单价及处理量的分析,探讨了如何在物流精益运营管理中获取物流作业成本的数据,以实现物流精益运营管理。

    Through the analysis of logistic enterprise 's four key factors : operation cost , the work time , the work unitprice and the batch processing , the author discusses how to acquire the data of logistic enterprise activity-based cost to achieve the goal of logistics lean management .

  10. 大多精益倡议始于运营层面,伴随着一套战术设定,并从减少浪费做起

    Most Lean initiatives start at an operational level with a set of tactical initiatives and begin by reducing waste

  11. 针对研究的核心流程,诊断存在的问题,提出科学的优化、改善或变革方案,建立一套精益生产和精益服务运营体系。

    In view of the core flow and the diagnosis existence problems , the paper proposes the science optimization , the improvement or the transformation plan , establishes a set of fine manufacturing and service management system .

  12. 企业要成为精益企业,就必须对传统成本管理进行变革,满足精益运营模式对成本管理的要求。

    If a company wants to be a lean one , it has to reform the traditional cost management and fulfill the need of lean operation mode to cost management .

  13. 第三、介绍国内同行业和相近行业建立精益化管理模式的背景、现状,并就基于精益化管理的运营模式进行分析。

    Third , introduce the domestic industry and similar industries to establish lean management background , present situation , and based on lean management mode analysis .