
  • 网络Psychoanalysis;psychoanalytic theory;Theory of Psychoanalysis;An Outline of Psycho-Analysis
  1. 弗洛伊德的精神分析论提出,人的人格框架由本我(伊德或原我),自我及超我构成。

    Fraud 's psychoanalysis theory holds that a person 's personality is composed of id , ego and superego .

  2. 第一章详细爬梳了精神分析文论在新时期的译介传播情况。

    Chapter one combs in detail the translation and reception of psychoanalysis criticism in Chinese New Period .

  3. 海狼赖生又笑了,同时挥手招呼他们追过来。海狗与海狼&从精神分析角度论《荒野的呼唤》和《雪虎》

    Again Wolf Larsen laughed , at the same time beckoning them with his arm to follow . Sea dog and sea wolf : Psychoanalysis of London s The Call of the Wild and White Fang ;

  4. 20世纪的中国文坛,弗洛伊德所代表的精神分析文论两度引起强烈的反响,成为一时显学。

    The psychological analysis with Freudianism as the representative used to attain twice forceful reverberation in the Chinese literary field in 20th Century , which is the result of the active election by Chinese theoretical field .

  5. 究其渊源,皮尔斯的思想主要受到了存在主义、现象学、格式塔心理学、精神分析学派、整体论和东方思想等多种流派的影响。

    Perls was mainly affected by existentialism , phenomenology , gestalt psychology , psychoanalysis , holism and eastern theories .

  6. 从精神分析到新精神分析&论霍兰德批评理论发展的轨迹

    From Psychoanalysis to Neo-Psychoanalysis : Development of Holland 's Criticism Theory