
  1. 也有其他人在这魔幻森林里见过精灵鬼怪。

    Others too have seen spirits in the Enchanted Woods .

  2. 精灵鬼怪的主题反复出现,并非完全出自艺术家本人的选择。。

    The recurring theme of monsters and spirits is not entirely the choice of theartists themselves .

  3. 不放河灯,但要举办假面舞会,而且基本上都是些精灵鬼怪之类的脸谱。

    On this day , they don 't float lanterns on river . Instead , they hold masked balls , wearing ghost-like masks .

  4. 在苏格兰和爱尔兰,孩子们会在万圣节前夜打扮成精灵和鬼怪的样子,挨家挨户讨要食物和硬币。

    Children disguised in costumes going door to door for food and coins was traditional at Halloween in Scotland and Ireland .