
  • 网络spiritmaster;elementalors
  1. 他们像两个精灵使我不得安宁;

    That like two spirits do suggest me still ;

  2. 绘图精灵使图纸的基础上几个问题,并帮助窗口描述的绘图和每一部分的内容。

    The Drawing Wizard makes the drawing based on the a few questions , and a help window describes what the drawing and each part of it does .

  3. 这些方法被迅速传播到了外域其他血精灵那里使他们可以克制他们的魔瘾。

    These teachings spread to the other blood elves in Outland , who were then able to stave off their painful hunger for arcane magic .

  4. 由于血精灵的生活习惯使人数不断减少,所以他们迫切的争取更多高等精灵来加入。

    The blood elves are pushing very hard to get as many high elves as possible to join them , as the blood elf lifestyle has been wearing their numbers down .

  5. 诗歌是唤起人们记忆的精灵,诗歌总是使人们重新回到开始的地方,领悟存在的意义,从这个意义上来说,诗歌永不会消亡。

    Poem is the genius to arouse the memory of the people , and poem always make people return to the place where they start off , therefore , to some extent , the poem will never perish .