
sān zhī yǎn
  • Three eyes;clear-sighted
  1. 自1963年以来,他一直是《第三只眼》杂志的编辑。

    He has been on the editorial staff of ' Private Eye ' since 1963

  2. 不过,有了设计师彭敏旭的“第三只眼”,你就可以一边走路一边发短信或刷社交媒体,不用担心发生事故。

    Well , thanks to Minwook Paeng 's Third Eye , you 'll be able to text or browse Instagram as you walk , without fear of accidents .

  3. 彭敏旭告诉建筑设计杂志《Dezeen》说,他的“第三只眼”是首个试着想象未来“手机人类”面貌的项目。

    Paeng told Dezeen that his Third Eye is the first project that tries to imagine what the future generations of " phono sapiens " may end up looking like .

  4. 我们将会看到,曾拥有的第三只眼,爱。

    We 'll see , with our own eyes * LOVE .

  5. 是的圣塔莫尼卡的第三只眼灵媒店

    Yeah , the Third Eye Psychic Shop in Santa Monica .

  6. 用第三只眼看科技学术期刊审稿人

    Looking at reviewers of sci-tech academic journals using the third eye

  7. 第三只眼看消费时代的身体美学

    Watch the Body Aesthetics in The Consuming Age With the Third Eye

  8. 安徽繁昌:第三只眼看县委书记

    Fanchang , Anhui : An Third Eye On the County Party Secretary

  9. 内在精神力量通过这第三只眼发散。

    The inner spiritual force disseminates through this inner eye .

  10. 松果体是人类“洞悉一切”的第三只眼吗?

    Is the conarium " the third eye " man look through everything ?

  11. “第三只眼”看新疆物流业

    Looking at the logistics in Xinjiang Autonomous Region by " the third eye "

  12. 湿婆的第三只眼经过精心切割的湿婆的脸侧的。

    Shiva 's third eye has been carefully incised on Shiva 's side of the face .

  13. 忘了这第三只眼吧。

    Forgot about that third eye .

  14. 史诗研究的第三只眼&《口头诗学:帕里-洛德理论》的评介

    The Third Eye of Epic Study & Evaluation of The Theory of Oral Composition : History and Methodology

  15. 当内在精神力量提升至第三只眼(垂体),个人就会成为一块磁铁。

    When the inner spiritual force is raised to the " third eye "( the pituitary gland ) the individual becomes a magnet .

  16. 彭敏旭发明的“第三只眼”包括一个半透明的塑料盒,用薄胶垫就可以直接贴在佩戴者的额头上。

    Paeng 's Third eye consists of a translucent plastic case that is fixed directly to the wearer 's forehead with a thin gel pad .

  17. 艺术家是通过图像媒介这第三只眼来理解所画对象,甚至思考问题,尽管我们不为察觉。

    It is the media of image , the so-called ' TheThird Eye ' by which artists are understanding their painting objects , even thinking , although we are unware .

  18. 当回转传感器检测到用户低头时,就会开启第三只眼的塑料眼皮,声波定位仪就会开始监测用户前方区域。

    When the gyroscope detects when the user 's head is angled down , it opens the eye 's plastic eyelid and the sonar starts to monitor the area in front of the user .

  19. 一名工业设计专业的学生发明了一款高科技产品“第三只眼”,这只“眼睛”可以贴在人的额头上,当他们边走路边埋头看手机时,这只“眼睛”可以帮他们留意前方的障碍物。

    An industrial design student has created a high-tech third eye that can be affixed to a person 's forehead and look out for obstacles as they walk , while their real eyes are glued to their smartphone .

  20. 第三是对敌人的力量判断不正确。内在精神力量通过这第三只眼发散。

    The third reason was the failure to comprehend clearly the capabilities of the enemy . The inner spiritual force disseminates through this inner eye .