
è lánɡ
  • Hungry wolf;greedy person;rapacious wolf
饿狼 [è láng]
  • [wolfer] 饥饿的狼;比喻贪婪的人

  1. 他说媒体就如同饿狼一般。

    He says the media are ravening wolves .

  2. 饿狼在野外哀嚎。

    Famished ( or hungry ) wolves were howling in the wilds .

  3. 我胃里有只饿狼?

    I have a wolf in my stomach .

  4. 我宁愿相信一匹饿狼也不愿意相信政客。

    I 'd rather trust a hungry wolf than a politician .

  5. 这些男孩饿狼似地吃完了三明治,接着又吃起蛋糕来。

    The boys wolfed the sandwiches and then started on the cakes .

  6. 他通过望远镜看到了一头四处觅食的饿狼。

    He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl with his telescope .

  7. 饿狼打了个滚,被撞得失去知觉。

    The wolf rolled over and lost his senses with the blow .

  8. 饿狼在森林里乱闯搜寻食物。

    Hungry wolves roamed the forest in search of food .

  9. 于是饿狼坐在猪背上。

    The wolf sat on the pig 's back .

  10. 那些狗跳到饿狼身上咬他。

    They leaped on the wolf and bit him .

  11. 饿狼的眼中露出凶残、贪婪的目光。

    The cruelty and greed of the hungry wolf look through its eyes .

  12. 他看到了一头四处觅食的饿狼。

    He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl .

  13. 你住的地方可有饿狼吗?

    Are there wolves where you live ?

  14. 如饿狼冷对周围的荒野

    Go hungry and cold like the wolf

  15. 逃跑了的饿狼吃掉首相是什么时候?

    What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the prime minister ?

  16. 他自言自语说:这一定是我罪过的报应。饿狼自言自语地说:我好笨啊我可以向他问路,她自言自语地说。

    He said to himself , @ Surely this has come upon me because of my sin .

  17. “那么,他回来了吗?”这个隐士问,像个饿狼似的睨视着。

    Is he come back , then ? 'asked the hermit , glaring like a hungry wolf .

  18. 他们必须指导和训练团队,而不是颐指气使,把团队搞得像一群一群的饿狼。

    They must mentor and coach teams , rather than lord it over packs of greedy wolves .

  19. 饿狼说:我是狼,正在找寻丰盛的晚餐。

    I 'm a wolf . I 'm looking for a good dinner , @ said the wolf .

  20. 有一天,山羊在高高的石山崖上吃草,一只饿狼恰好从下边经过。

    A goat was feeding one day high on a rocky crag when a hungry wolf happened to pass below .

  21. 每到有空闲的时间,我就像一只饿狼,贪婪的吸吮着书本中的精华。

    When has the free time time , I look like a greedy person , in greedy suction books essence .

  22. 饿狼心想:我真是笨极了!没有人会从马尾巴开始吃马的。

    The wolf thought , @ How foolish I am ! No one begins to eat a horse from the tail .

  23. 有一天,小镇上传开了一个消息,说当地有一匹饿狼在活动。

    One day , news spread throughout the little town of the appearance of a hungry wolf on the prowl in the area .

  24. 正在这时一只很大的饿狼走进花园,它想捉一只小肥猪当晚餐。

    ' Just then a very big , hungry wolf came into the gardens . It wanted to catch a fat little pig for its supper . '

  25. 马丁摇摇头,但是他听见吃饭时眼里所流露出的饿狼般的馋相,却无法掩饰。

    Martin shook his head , but he had failed to keep back the wolfish , hungry look that leapt into his eyes at the suggestion of dinner .

  26. 如饿狼冷对周围的荒野,似野鹤涉浅水随处安家:厚厚的老茧长满你的掌心,似火的骄阳烤红你的面颊。

    Go hungry and cold like the wolf , Go wade like the crane : The palms of your hands will thicken , The skin of your cheek will tan ,

  27. 你感觉自己是一只柔弱无助的羔羊,对方是一只眼睛发蓝的饿狼,没有柔情蜜意,只有占有和强悍。

    You feel that self is weak helpless one lamb , the other party is blueing hungry one eye wolf , does not have tender feelings honey intention , only when occupying a sum intrepid .

  28. 也许这是因为兔子的天性是如此的温驯,以至于不管进攻者是人类或是一头饿狼,当其出现在周围时都很容易受到惊吓。

    Perhaps it is because Rabbit is so gentle in nature that it easily become frightened if an aggressor appears upon the scenes , whether the aggressor is mankind or a hungry wolf matters not .

  29. 一趟出行去动物园看老虎、骆驼、大象、狮子、长颈鹿、袋鼠、猴子、熊猫、毒蛇、饿狼、斑马和北极熊是很好的并且需要一个导游。

    A trip to the zoo for the tigers , camels , elephants , lions , giraffes , kangaroos , monkeys , pandas , snakes , wolves , zebras and polar bears is fine and needs a guide .

  30. 如果这是头健康的狼,他也觉得没什么;可是一想到自己要葬身狼腹,尤其是眼前这头令人作恶、病怏怏的饿狼,他就觉得非常厌恶。

    Had it been a well wolf , it would not have mattered so much to the man ; but the thought of going to feed the maw of that loathsome and all but dead thing was repugnant to him .