
è piǎo
  • bodies of the starved;corpse of the starved
饿殍 [è piǎo]
  • [corpse of the starved] 饿死的人。亦作饿莩

  • 涂有饿莩而不知发。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

饿殍[è piǎo]
  1. 把这个地域辽阔的大岛弄得赤地千里,饿殍遍地。

    This vast territory of the Big Island made thousands of miles , everywhere hungry die of hunger .

  2. 在饥馑仍在肆虐的地方,以马内利啊,求你展开翅膀,佑护你的儿女免于野有饿殍!

    Where famine yet rages , I entreat you , O Immanuel , spread your wings , protect your children from starvation !

  3. 在中国浩瀚的史籍中,常常用“饥民遍野”、“饿殍塞途”、“人相食”等描述灾害的直接后果。

    Chinese historical records at the vast , often with " hungry people everywhere "," die of hunger everywhere "," people as food " and so on to describe the direct consequences of disasters .

  4. 一队男子和少年开出城堡迎战进攻者,结果落败,有三百六十人被屠杀,另外有许多人逃往森林,成为饿殍

    " A band of men and boys left the fort to meet the attackers and was defeated ; 360 settlers were killed , and others who escaped to the woods died of starvation . "