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è ɡuǐ
  • hungry ghost ;piggish eater
饿鬼 [è guǐ]
  • [preta] [佛]∶不断受饥渴折磨而不安的鬼魂

  1. 就跟一个饿鬼打给匹萨店的电话一样。

    I betcha a hungry guy calls a pizza place .

  2. 他饿鬼似的贪婪地吃着。

    He ate with the voracity of a starving man .

  3. 他们像饿鬼一样把那顿饭狼吞虎咽地吃掉了。

    They wolfed the meal as if they were starving .

  4. 谈过了饿鬼,接下来我们来谈谈地狱众生。

    Having talked about hungry ghosts , we 'll talk about hell-beings next .

  5. 饿鬼,东西都要被你吃光了!

    Dog , you 're eating it all .

  6. 现在吃起饭来活象个饿鬼,这全是受了海洋气候的影响。

    I eat like a famished ogre ; it , the sea air . '

  7. 一个色鬼还是饿鬼?

    An erotomania or a starving ghost ?

  8. 极饿的饿极而贪吃的他饿鬼似的贪婪地吃着。

    Extremely hungry ; voracious . He ate with the voracity of a starving man .

  9. 饿鬼通过与恶梦在一起,诱拐和吸引小孩。

    The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares , abductions and the taking of small children .

  10. 我们供食物和酒给那些从地府来到人间的饿鬼。

    We offer food and wine to the famished ghosts that come up to earth from hell .

  11. 简:看看,我们俩都戒烟了,现在我们是这个星球上的两大饿鬼!

    Jane : Look at us , we have given up smoking and now we are the biggest snack fiends on the planet !

  12. 这些饿鬼都是饿了一年的,如果它们在大街上找不到什么美味,它们就会进入人们家中。

    These ghosts , who have been starving for a whole year , will enter households if they cannot find enough delicacies in the street .

  13. 据说世界由多个空间组成&有痛苦的地狱界、饿鬼界、畜生界、人界,还有从低到高多个天界。

    It is said there are many worlds the hell world of torture , the worlds of hungry ghosts , of animals and of mankind , as well as many heaven worlds from the lowest to the highest .