首页 / 词典 / good


dà ren
  • adult;grown-up;your Excellency;lordship;Reverend;Monsignor;a grown youth;a respectful salutation for the elders;a man with noble character and lofty aspiration;a respectful salutation for one's parents, seniors
大人 [dà rén]
  • (1) [your Excellency]∶指在高位者,如王公贵族

  • (2) [a respectful salutation for one's parents,seniors]∶对父母叔伯等长辈的敬称

  • 三日断五匹,大人故嫌迟。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 父亲大人

  • (3) [adult]∶成年人

  • 大人小孩都可以来

  • (4) [a grown youth]∶身材长大的人

  • (5) [a respectful salutation for the elders]∶对老者、长者的敬称

  • (6) [a man with noble character and lofty aspiration]∶德行高尚、志趣高远的人

大人[dà rén]
大人[dà ren]
  1. 儿童必须要有大人陪同。

    Children must be accompanied by an adult .

  2. 学校课程不是参考现在成功大人的人生逆向策划出来的。

    School curricula are not reverse engineered from fulfilled adult lives in the here and now .

  3. 对法官应该称“法官大人”。

    The judge should be addressed as ' Your Honour ' .

  4. 你要是听话就可以跟大人一起吃饭。

    If you 're good you can eat with the grown-ups .

  5. 孩子和两个大人合住一间房可以打折。

    There are reductions for children sharing a room with two adults .

  6. 听到令尊大人去世,我感到非常难过。

    I was very sad indeed to hear of your father 's death .

  7. 有些电视节目往往以大人的观点对待儿童。

    Some television programmes tend to patronize children .

  8. 给市长大人让路!

    Make way for the Lord Mayor !

  9. 没有其他问题了,法官大人。

    No more questions , Your Honour .

  10. 法官大人,我的当事人认罪。

    My client pleads guilty , M'lud .

  11. 无大人带领的儿童不许进入。

    No unaccompanied children allowed .

  12. “事情非常紧急,大人,”他说。

    ' It is most urgent , sahib , ' he said .

  13. 市长大人坐在他阔气的马车里在后面跟着。

    The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach .

  14. 这次礼拜仪式是由吉姆·西蒙斯牧师大人主持的。

    The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons .

  15. 告诉孩子们,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。

    Tell children to tell a grown-up if they 're being bullied .

  16. 公爵夫人应被称为“大人”。

    The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace .

  17. 大人,我想请您施以大惠。

    Your Grace , I have a great favour to ask of you .

  18. 这位大人凝视的目光离开火苗,与上校的目光相遇。

    The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel 's

  19. 我已经习惯了作为唯一一个小不点坐在一桌大人中间。

    I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults

  20. 大人需要过他们自己的生活,但有了孩子就很难做到了。

    Adults need to live their own lives and that 's difficult with children .

  21. 大人表达了他的愿望,希望法律委员会研究一下这一问题。

    His Lordship expressed the hope that the Law Commission might look at the subject .

  22. 她说起话来像个大人。

    She talked in a grown-up manner .

  23. 休谟红衣主教大人主持了弥撒。

    His Eminence Cardinal Hume celebrated Mass .

  24. 在我们现在的社区,大人小孩都可以随意进出公园。

    We now have a community where kids and adults can go to the park unmolested .

  25. 在最大那间房里,地毯上坐了约12个小孩和7个大人。

    In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet

  26. 她表现得很像个大人。

    She 's very grown-up .

  27. 简都快是个大人了。

    Jan was almost a grown-up

  28. 能宽宽松松容下两个大人、三个孩子,而且后备箱里还可以放只狗。

    There 's easily enough room for two adults and three children , plus a dog in the boot

  29. 法官大人,本人受当事人委托,主张此证据已被人篡改。

    My lord , I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with .

  30. 法官大人,我之所以提及此事,是因为我觉得了解被告的背景十分重要。

    I bring this up , your honor , because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant .