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  1. 处于义乌小商品城宾王纺织品市场。

    Is in righteousness Ukraine small commodity city guest king textile market .

  2. 克拉克:能不能在这个星期天上午把货送到宾王路168号?

    Mr Clark : Could you please send them to168 Binwang Road this Sunday morning ?

  3. 宾王市场地处二十一世纪商贸中心,紧邻义乌火车站和客运中心,交通极为便利。

    Located in the 21st Century Trade Center and next to the railway station and North Bus Station , Binwang Market enjoys a convenient transport .

  4. 他们来入侵以色列人的城。耶宾王有九百辆铁车,他大大欺压以色列人二十年,烧杀,掠夺。

    For twenty years , Sisera led his army with their 900 iron chariots into the land of Israel to kill , to steal , and to destroy .