
  • 网络pentax;Binder;HOYA
  1. 它配备了CCD位移式防抖系统、除尘和宾得独有的11点自动对焦系统。

    It comes with a CCD-shift type'Shake Reduction'system , Dust Removal and Pentax '11-point Safox VIII AF system .

  2. 我们谨表示衷心的感谢您的惠顾宾得的产品。

    We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for your patronage of PENTAX products .

  3. “宠物是我们的头等大事,”宾得说。

    " Our priority is the pets ," Binder said .

  4. 我不同意,我觉得宾得哲学类似萨伯。

    I don 't agree , I think Pentax philosophy is strinkingly similar to SAAB .

  5. 当时正值时代变迁,宾得波尔的眼界似乎领先于他人。

    The times were changing , and bindesb ll seems to have been ahead of them .

  6. 当我第一次遇见你,你是在佳能,你什么时候来宾得?

    When I first met you , you were at Canon , when did you come to Pentax ?

  7. 另一样令我不解的是为何宾得不给物镜也配上镜头盖呢?

    I 'm also somewhat mystified at Pentax 's failure to provide lens caps for the objective lenses .

  8. 佳能,尼康,宾得,奥林巴斯和索尼都提供电池夹具,以适应他们的数码单反相机。

    Canon , Nikon , Pentax , Olympus and Sony are providing the battery clamps to suit their digital SLR cameras .

  9. 它拥有无可比拟的锐度,焦外,整体色彩还原,以及宾得特有的动力变焦。

    It boasts unmatched sharpness , bokeh , and overall color rendition , as well as the Pentax-exclusive power zoom function .

  10. 宾得需要证明自己依然是一个可信赖的品牌,让广大用户体会到单反技术是不断发展着的。

    Pentax users need to be able to continue trusting in the brand and know that the DSLR division is moving forward .

  11. 我们的大多数批评都非常轻微,因此我们将全心全意地推荐给任何宾得相机的用户。

    Most of our criticisms are very minor , and as a consequence we would wholeheartedly recommend the camera to any Pentax user .

  12. 如果宾得现在开发全幅,不但会满足这些用户,而且相机也应该会获得不错的销量。

    If Pentax were to produce such a camera , not only would these users be satisfied , but sales would likely be very high .

  13. 在这次摩擦之后,我们想再一次找宾得要个声明,讲讲为什么他们认为这是个正常的个体。

    After the friction this has caused in the community I will request a statement from Pentax once again why they think that this is a valid sample .

  14. 与大型电子公司和传统相机厂商的地位,究竟宾得认为最有竞争力本身的操纵的,什么是你的发展战略?

    With large electronics companies and traditional camera companies jockeying for position , where does Pentax see itself as most competitive , and what 's your strategy for growth ?

  15. 宾得波尔曾在希腊和土耳其广泛旅游,他对于彩色装饰无拘无束的热爱可以从他在旅行中所绘的草图里看出,而这些草图后来演变成了该博物馆生动的装饰。

    Bindesb ll had travelled widely in Greece and Turkey , and his liberated delight in coloured decoration is shown in the drawings he made there , which fed into the vivid decor of the museum .