
  • 网络Anti-Dumping Investigation
  1. 世贸组织(WTO)报告称,去年各国启动的反倾销调查较2007年增加了27%。

    The World Trade Organisation reported a 27 per cent increase in countries ' anti-dumping investigations last year compared with 2007 .

  2. 当今经济全球化背景下,美国等少数国家在反倾销调查中使用归零法来计算产品的倾销幅度,引发WTO其他成员方强烈不满,归零法是否符合WTO框架下的相关规则成为目前争议的焦点。

    Under the background of economic globalization , the United States and a few countries use the zeroing to calculate the dumping margin in anti-dumping investigations , which aroused other WTO members ' strong dissatisfaction .

  3. 中国加入WTO以来,外国对我国反倾销调查数量并未像入世前有人期待的那样减少,相反,反倾销正成为我国产品出口的主要障碍之一而影响着我国经济健康发展。

    After China entered WTO , antidumping has been one of the main obstacles .

  4. 据WTO报告,中国已连续15年成为全球反倾销调查的重点。

    According to WTO report , China has suffered maximum antidumping investigations for 15 years .

  5. 对WTO协议、加拿大以及欧盟关于反倾销调查中公共利益的立法以及司法实践进行比较研究,将理论分析和实证分析相结合。

    According to the compare among the WTO protocol , Canadian and EU legislation of the public interest on anti-dumping inquiry , it combines the theoretical analysis and experiment analysis together .

  6. 根据WTO的统计,在中国遭受的反倾销调查中,美国也是仅次于印度的、世界上对中国产品发起反倾销诉讼最多、力度最大的国家之一。

    According to the statistics of WTO , the United States is the country second only to India which has initiated the most anti-dumping investigations and taken the strongest anti-dumping measures against China .

  7. 世界贸易组织(WTO)称,2008年下半年,各国政府应本国产业要求而新发起的反倾销调查数同比增加了17%。这些本国产业声称受到价格过低的进口产品的威胁。

    The World Trade Organisation said the number of new anti-dumping investigations , which governments launch at the request of domestic industries threatened by allegedly under-priced imports , rose 17 per cent year-on-year in the second half of 2008 .

  8. 华为副董事长、3位轮值CEO之一郭平表示,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)对华为以及中国手机制造商中兴通讯(ZTE)展开的反倾销调查,使该集团不舒服,感觉很不确定。

    Guo Ping , the deputy chairman and one of three executives who helm the company on a rotating basis , said that an anti-dumping investigation by the European Commission into Huawei and Chinese handset maker ZTE had made the group uncomfortable and feel very uncertain .

  9. 华为副董事长、3位轮值CEO之一郭平表示,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)对华为以及中国手机制造商中兴通讯(ZTE)展开的反倾销调查,使该集团“不舒服”,“感觉很不确定”。

    Guo Ping , the deputy chairman and one of three executives who helm the company on a rotating basis , said that an anti-dumping investigation by the European Commission into Huawei and Chinese handset maker ZTE had made the group " uncomfortable " and " feel very uncertain . "

  10. 对华反倾销调查的原因分析

    Analysis of the Reasons for the Investigation of Anti-dumping to China

  11. 其中,反倾销调查高居各措施榜首。

    And anti-dumping investigation reaches the top number among all measures .

  12. 第三章论述了程序规则中的反倾销调查、反倾销措施及反规避措施等问题。

    Chapter Three discusses anti-dumping investigation , anti-dumping measures in procedure rules .

  13. 我国企业应对反倾销调查的策略

    Countermeasures of Chinese Enterprises in Dealing with the Anti-dumping Surveys

  14. 新闻纸行业在反倾销调查中的盈余管理

    The Earnings Management of the Newsprint Industry During Antidumping Investigations

  15. 公允价值的适用性:基于反倾销调查的分析

    Applicability of Impartiality Value : Analysis Based on Anti-dumping Survey

  16. 加入世贸组织以来,中国是遭受反倾销调查最多的国家。

    Since its entry into wto , China suffered most anti-dumping investigation .

  17. 去年,反倾销调查比2007年增长了28%。

    Anti-dumping investigations increased 28 per cent last year compared with 2007 .

  18. 中国已开始对从澳大利亚进口的葡萄酒进行反倾销调查。

    China has started an anti-dumping investigation into wine imports from Australia .

  19. 生产成本是反倾销调查中的核心问题。

    Production cost is a key in anti-dumping investigation .

  20. 其次,积极应对美国的反倾销调查。

    Secondly , responding to U.S. anti-dumping investigations actively .

  21. 反倾销调查与盈余管理:来自中国股市的经验证据

    Earnings Management and Antidumping Investigations : Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market

  22. 国外反倾销调查规避机制

    Preventing mechanism to foreign anti - dumping investigations

  23. 中国反倾销调查对下游产业的关联影响

    The Effects of Antidumping Investigations on Downstream Industries

  24. 由于欧盟在针对中国产品的反倾销调查中频繁适用类比国条款,使中国对欧盟的出口贸易遭受了很大损失。

    The export trade of China has suffered the great loss for this reason .

  25. 注册会计师在反倾销调查中的地位和作用

    The Role of CPA during the Anti-Dumping Investigation

  26. 本月早些时候,中国对从澳大利亚进口的葡萄酒发起反倾销调查。

    China launched an anti-dumping probe on wine imports from Australia earlier this month .

  27. 事实上,发起反倾销调查的国家数量比2008年有所下降。

    Indeed , the number of countries launching anti-dumping investigations is down from 2008 .

  28. 印度反倾销调查利害关系方的互动和协调

    Interactions among Interested Parties of Antidumping In India

  29. 反倾销调查的会计问题分析及会计对策构想

    Accounting Problem and Countermeasure of Antidumping Investigation

  30. 非市场经济地位是我国遭遇大量反倾销调查和反倾销败诉的主要原因。

    Non-market economic status is the main cause of anti-dumping investigation and our losing lawsuit .