
  • 网络anti-subsidies investigation;anti-subsidy investigation
  1. 自2004年加拿大首次对原产于中国的产品适用反补贴调查以来,WTO成员方开始逐渐对中国适用反补贴法。

    Ever since Canada initiated the first anti-subsidy investigation of products originating from China in 2004 , WTO members have gradually begun applying countervailing duty law to products originating from China .

  2. 我国木制品行业如何应对反倾销与反补贴调查

    Response of Chinese Wooden Product Industry to Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Investigation

  3. 从2006年的铜版纸案开始,截止2011年8月,美国对华产品进行了三十多起反补贴调查,是WTO成员中对华采取反补贴措施最多的国家。

    Since the case of coated paper in 2006 , by August 2011 , America has conducted over thirty anti-subsidy investigations towards Chinese products , and it is member of WTO which adopts the most anti-subsidy investigations for Chinese products .

  4. 介绍了我国面临国外反补贴调查的严峻形势,分析了我国补贴立法和实践与WTO规则的差距,提出了完善我国补贴法律制度的建议。

    This paper introduces the serious situation of foreign anti-subsidy faced by China , analyzes on the gap between Chinese subsidy legislation and practice and the WTO rules , and advances some suggestions on perfecting Chinese legal system of subsidy .

  5. 反补贴调查:从贸易摩擦到体制性摩擦

    Anti-subsidy investigations : from international trade friction to institutional friction

  6. 国外对华产品适用反补贴调查的法律思考

    Legal Consideration on Subsidy Investigation of Foreign Countries Applied Against Chinese Exports

  7. 反补贴调查中损害认定的若干法律问题研究

    Studies on Several Legal Issues of Injury Determination in Countervailing Duty Investigation

  8. 中国对澳大利亚进口葡萄酒启动反补贴调查。

    China has launched an anti-subsidy probe on wine imports from Australia .

  9. 美国频繁的对我国发起反补贴调查。

    The most frequent anti-subsidy cases against China are initiated by America .

  10. 仅2004年,加拿大就对我国发起了3起反补贴调查。

    Only in 2004 , Canada initiated 3 counter-subsidy investigations to our country .

  11. 种种迹象表明,今后国外对我国反补贴调查的数量可能将逐渐增多。

    All the evidence indicates that the investigations of countervailing measures are raising .

  12. 此后,中国产品遭受多起反补贴调查,这预示着对非市场经济国家适用反补贴法是各国反补贴法的趋势。

    It indicates that countervailing law adopted on non-market economies countries is a trend .

  13. 一但任一国家就此类补贴发起对我国的反补贴调查,则我国受到制裁的可能性会非常大。

    Once any foreign country initiated the anti-subsidy on this term , our country is likely to be sanctioned .

  14. 特别是受金融危机的影响,仅2009年美国就对我国发起了10起反补贴调查。

    Because of the financial crisis , only in 2009 had the United States filed 10 countervailing investigations against China .

  15. 这一观点还认为,正是由于我国的非市场经济地位才使得我国可以免遭反补贴调查的威胁。

    They also believe that it is the non-market economy status that frees China from the threat of countervailing investigations .

  16. 2006年美国发起的就铜版纸的反补贴调查是中美在反补贴方面的转折点。美国在这次调查中结束了23年的对非市场经济国家不使用反补贴措施的历史。

    The anti-subsidy against China on the coated paper in 2006 is the turning point of the trade between China and America .

  17. 文章最后以一个案例来说明应诉反补贴调查过程中会计方面所需注意的问题。

    The paper finally uses a case to explain what problems of the accounting aspects should be pay attention in the counter-subsidy investigation process .

  18. 论补贴专向性的标准与评判&兼议专向性标准在美国对华反补贴调查案中的适用

    Specificity of Subsidy : Standards and Comments & Application of Specificity Test in the CVD Investigations by United States on the Products from China

  19. 相反,美国对华反补贴调查却经历了从不适用到有条件适用,再到完全适用的过程。

    On the contrary , the US countervailing investigation against China experienced a process of not being applicable , conditionally applicable and totally applicable .

  20. 布鲁塞尔有人猜测,德古赫特可能在推动一项更大的变化:在未接到正式申诉的情况下启动反补贴调查的职权。

    There is speculation in Brussels that Mr De Gucht may be pushing for an even bigger change : the authority to launch anti-subsidy investigations without formal complaints .

  21. 在美国和加拿大对原产于中国的产品的反补贴调查中,均有一半以上的案件涉及对中国政策性银行和国有商业银行向特定企业发放优惠贷款的调查。

    More than half of the anti-subsidy investigations conducted both by United States and Canada involve the investigation of loans provided by Chinese policy banks and state-owned commercial banks .

  22. 而另一方面,中国在2002以来保持了强劲的对外贸易增长态势,对美贸易顺差持续增长,继续呈现巨额顺差的局面,这也是美国对华发起反补贴调查的直接原因。

    On the other hand , China has maintained a strong growth in the goods trade surplus to US , which is also the direct reason of the countervailing .

  23. 自加拿大2004年对中国发起反补贴调查以来,美国也开始通过积极修改其反补贴法,力图寻求对中国适用反补贴措施的可行之策。

    Since Canada initiated countervailing investigation to China in 2004 , the USA is also trying its best to find out some possible measures to apply its countervailing laws to China .

  24. 对累积评估的条件,诸如同时接受反补贴调查、产品之间的相互竞争及微量标准等进行了探讨。

    Chapter 5 mainly discusses the cumulative assessment , especially the conditions of the cumulative assessment , such as being investigated simultaneously , the mutual competition and de minimis criteria , etc.

  25. 在反补贴调查中,因果关系的审查和确定是决定反补贴措施是否公平合理的关键所在,各国对此做法不同、争论很大。

    The determination of causality in countervailing investigation is the key point to decide whether the countervailing measures is fair and rational or not , and there are different practice and views .

  26. 经济利益和背后隐藏的政治动因是美国针对中国进行反补贴调查的主要原因,美国出于其全球战略的考虑,势必将中国作为其贸易保护主义的主要对象。

    US initiates countervailing investigation to China for the consideration in both economic interests and political motives . US must regard China as its target of protectionism from its global strategic considerations .

  27. 2007年3月29日美国国际贸易法庭裁定,美国商务部有权考虑是否对中国企业启动反补贴调查。

    On March 29 , 2007 the American international trade court ruled , the American Department of commercial affairs is authorized to consider whether to start the counter-subsidy investigation to the Chinese Enterprise .

  28. 因此两位领导人都未曾预料为发展电动汽车提供的研发支持竟成为反补贴调查的重点。

    There was no reason , therefore , for either President to think that R & D support for the development of electric vehicles was a primary focus of the countervailing duty petition .

  29. 在对外贸易出口高速增长的情况下,国际贸易领域的摩擦和纠纷也呈现逐年增长点态势,外国(地区)采取的对华贸易救济措施中反补贴调查渐渐成为新的热点。

    Under export trade rapid growth , international trade frictions and disputes are increasing as well , among the trade remedy measures taken on China , countervailing investigations has gradually become as one new hot spot .

  30. 将反补贴调查与反倾销调查合并进行,使得我国企业应诉工作量大大增加,应诉工作更为复杂,胜诉难度提高,并且一旦败诉将会被征收双重税率。

    Combining countervailing investigations and anti-dumping investigations makes the responding work of our enterprises greatly increase and become more complex and difficult , if we lose the lawsuits , we will be charged to double duty rates .