
jiā tínɡ zhǔ fù
  • housewife
  1. 做母亲和家庭主妇有时使人觉得好像是个受累不讨好的差使。

    Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless task .

  2. 我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。

    I hated the label ' housewife ' .

  3. 他那篇文章的含意是,当家庭主妇远远不如所有其他职业。

    The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation .

  4. 她似乎不像个女诗人,更像一个心烦意乱的家庭主妇。

    She seemed less like a poetess than a distracted housewife .

  5. 1980年我丈夫失业之前,我一直是个家庭主妇。

    I was a stay-at-home mum until 1980 when my husband lost his job .

  6. 她被医生、律师、家庭主妇——总之是一群像她一样的人——所包围着。

    She was surrounded by doctors , lawyers , housewives — people , in short , like herself .

  7. 她是一个能干的家庭主妇。

    She is an able housewife .

  8. 她不善于当家庭主妇。

    She 's a bad housewife .

  9. 这个广告旨在吸引家庭主妇们的注意力。

    This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives .

  10. 家庭主妇在家中忙忙碌碌。

    A housewife busied herself in the house .

  11. 许多对于厨具设计的现代观点都可以追溯到另一个美国人克莉斯汀·弗雷德里克。她着眼于提高家庭主妇的效率。

    Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American , Christine Frederick , who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife .

  12. 中年家庭主妇、退休人员和失业者来到这类咖啡馆,与心理学家谈论爱情、愤怒和梦想。

    Middle-aged homemakers , retirees , and the unemployed come to such cafes to talk about love , anger , and dreams with a psychologist .

  13. 他母亲是个家庭主妇。

    His mother was a housewife .

  14. 旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。

    Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving .

  15. 家庭主妇手,是一种手部皮肤病,主要表现为皮肤粗糙、红肿、痛痒,有的甚至会出现脱皮和开裂。

    Housewife 's Hand Dermatitis is a hand skin disease with the symptom of rough , red , swollen while doing housework .

  16. 预防“家庭主妇手”,就要勤擦护手霜,在寒冷的天气带上棉手套或皮手套,别忘记在洗碗洗衣服时戴上塑胶手套,并尽量选用不伤手的洗洁精和洗衣液。

    To prevent against " housewife 's hand " , you should using hand cream frequently , wear cotton gloves or leather gloves in cold days , and don ’ t forget to put on your rubber gloves while doing dishes and laundry , buy the kind of dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that is gentle to your hand .

  17. 重庆市渝中区家庭主妇营养知识、态度、行为(KAB)调查分析

    Survey on the nutritional knowledge - attitude - behavior of housewives in Chongqing Yuzhong district

  18. 教师患者的SAS得分明显高于文秘(P<0.05),其SDS明显高于文秘、行政人员及家庭主妇(P<0.05)。

    The average SDS in teacher was significantly higher than that in secretary , clerical worker and homeworker ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 这些母亲告诉NBC新闻的这些话回应了全国范围内多数有工作的母亲和家庭主妇所说的。

    What these mothers told NBC News echoed what a larger sample of working and stay-at-home moms said nationwide .

  20. 我拼命地登广告征聘一个女管家或者女佣,可是她们存心不理睬这回事,是不是?Eg.Thehousekeeperisaverypickywoman.这个家庭主妇是位特别爱挑剔的人。

    Eg. I 'm advertising like mad for a housekeeper or a maid , but they don 't want to know , do they ?

  21. 家庭主妇YokoNoumi正提着一袋番茄回家。

    Housewife Yoko Noumi is heading home with a bag of tomatoes .

  22. 现年41岁的梅勒尼·高丁(MelanieGording)是个家庭主妇,丈夫是验光师,他们有两个孩子,一家四口住在加州。

    Melanie Gording , a41-year-old stay-at-home-mother of two in Westchester , Ca. , is married to an optometrist .

  23. 结论:孕妇血清PAPP-A、β-HCG值高于正常参考值、家庭主妇则发生妊高征的危险性增高。

    Conclusion : The level of serum PAPP-A , β - HCG in pregnant women are higher than normal , housewives are apt to develop PIH .

  24. 在加州,法律允许超市销售葡萄酒,于是罗伯特•蒙达维(RobertMondavi)酒庄的市场推广人员雇佣中年家庭主妇站在店里的试喝摊位旁边。

    In California , where laws allowed wine to be sold in supermarkets , Robert Mondavi 's marketers hired middle-age housewives to stand at in-store tasting booths .

  25. 40岁的上海家庭主妇MacyLu说,自己近来买的是泰森鸡肉,因为这些鸡大腿无骨无皮,相较其它地方的鸡腿更为方便。

    Macy Lu , a 40-year-old homemaker in Shanghai , says she bought Tyson chicken recently because the deboned and skinned thighs were more convenient than what she would have bought elsewhere .

  26. 根据Pew研究中心的报告,更多工作的母亲现在认为兼职工作是理想的状态,而且给自己作为母亲的评分低于家庭主妇。

    According to the Pew Research Center , more working mothers now say part-time work is the ideal situation , and they give themselves lower marks as parents than stay-at-home moms .

  27. 住在clurman街对面的34岁的家庭主妇。

    34-year-old housewife who lived across the street from clurman .

  28. 印度MSN网站报道上,这位42岁的家庭主妇说:我想Pusuke是在等我回家。

    According to MSN India , the 42-year-old housewife said , I think [ Pusuke ] waited for me to come home .

  29. 她决定安心做个家庭主妇、以在社区大学担心性教育课的老师谋生。和所有电影中演的一样,想退休可并不是件容易的事情,她之前的同事Cora(玛丽·谢尔顿)前来拜访……

    She is trying to make ends meet by teaching a community college sex education class aimed at housewives when a figure from her past , flight attendant Cora , approaches her with a proposition .

  30. 方法按照容量比例概率抽样(PPS)法抽样,检查1200名8~10岁学生甲肿率、智商、尿碘和家中盐碘,并辅以600名5年级学生和150名家庭主妇的健康教育问卷调查。

    Methods Goiter was examined in 1 200 pupils aged 8-10 and whose IQ , urinary iodine and salt iodine were examined by the sampling method of Probability Proportion to Size ( PPS ) . 600 pupils and 150 housewives were investigated by health education questionnaires .