
jiā xiānɡ huà
  • native dialect
  1. 一天,我家乡的一个朋友给我发了条信息,说他梦到我有了个男孩,更奇怪的是孩子当时正流利的说着家乡话!

    One day , one of my friends from my hometown sent me a message saying that he had dreamed that I had a baby boy , and stranger still , the baby was speaking my native dialect fluently !

  2. 但是不用担心都在用你家乡话写的剧本里了

    Now , don 't worry . It 's written in your vernacular .

  3. 她是用自己家乡话里的字眼。

    She was expressing in her own native phrase .

  4. 在家里,他们都只讲旁遮普家乡话。

    At home , they speak only Punjabi .

  5. 所以我们可以从电视里看到她用家乡话感谢父老乡亲,整个村庄的人走出来迎接他们的女儿。

    So we saw on TV how she thanked the townfolk in her local dialect and how the entire village came out to welcome their daughter .

  6. 唯一遗憾的就是书中讲的是“旧事”,因此提到的家乡话我没能看懂。

    The only regret is that the book is all about the " old Beijing ", so some colloquial expressions in the story are beyond my apprehension .

  7. 老板那句浓厚的家乡话一出,我激动的打了个趔趄,啊,一定是家乡的刀削面,现在我可要饱饱口福了。

    The boss that sentence strong revenge a , I concussion of dozen staggered , ah , must be hometown of noodles , now I can want full full the luck to eat STH delicious .