• Le; remainder
  • 〔~语〕词组。

  • 余数。

  1. 其中Y型分子筛和Hβ沸石之间具有仂、同作用,结果是催化剂活性和异构性能同时提高,原因可能是反应中间产物存在由HY向Hβ沸石的定向迁移现象。

    The so called " synergistic effect " was caused by directional transfer of intermediate compounds from Y zeolite to H ~ zeolite , resulting in enhanced activity and isomerization reaction simultaneously .

  2. LTM使用了事务仂、调框架结构,包括激活服务、注册服务、协调服务。

    LTM uses the framework of the transaction communications which include activity server , register server , communications server .

  3. 本文指出,汉语的词汇单位包括字、词、仂语、熟语等,并讨论各单位的长度。字的长度无需深论。

    This paper classifies lexical units into characters , words , phrases and sayings , and discusses their length .