
  1. 闽方言中的来母字和早期汉语

    Lai Initial Words in Min Dialects and Early Chinese

  2. 公蛇一定都跑来找母蛇了。

    The males must 've come through here looking for the female .

  3. 讨论了在母抛物面加工过程中,以离轴镜面位置做为子孔径检验来控制母抛物面面形,从而最终保证离轴镜面形的子孔径立式检验方法。

    The vertical testing method of sub aperture of the off axis surface are on the mother mirror is discussed .

  4. 中信泰富称,将通过现金和向母公司发行新股的方式来收购母公司的资产。

    Citic Pacific said it would pay for its parent 's assets with cash and new shares issued to its parent .

  5. 演示如何在内容页中使用代码来引用母版页中的属性、方法和控件,但这种引用有一定的限制。

    Shows using code in content pages to reference properties , methods , and controls in the master page , with some restrictions .

  6. 这是内容页,它允许用户基于由请求提供的查询字符串来选择母版页。

    This is the content page , which allows users to select a master page based on a query string provided with the request .

  7. 跟踪超过一年来关注母熊琼和她的三个孩子的命运。影片揭示出黑熊生活的详尽写照。

    Following the fortunes of mother bear June and her three cubs over a year , the film reveals an intimate portrait of the lives of black bears .

  8. 文中首先讨论子波分析数值计算稳定性一般问题,引进稳定度概念来刻画母波数值反演的稳定程度;

    Firstly , the numerical computation stability of dyadic wavelets is discussed with a new concept & the stableness , which enables us to measure the stabilizing ability in numerical inverse of wavelet ;

  9. 由于是通过调整锅炉燃烧率来稳定母管主蒸汽压力的,所以详细介绍了母管制运行方式和单元制运行方式下燃烧率控制指令传递函数的计算公式。

    As the common header main steam pressure is stabilized by regulating the boiler combustion rate , the calculating formulas of control instruction transfer function for combustion rate in both modes are detailedly introduced .

  10. 近年来,卵母细胞成熟过程中皮质颗粒(CGs)迁移和分布的变化作为胞质成熟的判定指标为越来越多的研究者接受。

    Changes in the distribution of cortical granules ( CGs ) during oocyte maturation could be used as an important criterion to evaluate cytoplasmic maturation .

  11. 由于可以在不同质量和年龄的卵母细胞之间进行GV互换,人们期望应用GV移植来解决卵母细胞成熟时呈现的遗传或发育异常即老龄妇女卵母细胞非整倍体性的增加。

    Because GVs can be exchanged between oocytes of different quality or age , it is expected that GV transfer may be used to solve genetic or developmental anomalies in oocyte maturation , e.g. the increased incidence of aneuploidy in oocytes of women of advanced age .

  12. 因此,迫切需要一种新的治疗方法来改善胶质母细胞瘤患者的预后及生活质量。

    Novel therapies are needed to improve the prognosis and life quality of patients with GBM .

  13. Y公司通过推行精益生产来执行其母公司业务发展战略,为市场提供高质量、低成本产品。

    Lean Manufacturing operation strategy is adopted by Y company to provide higher quality and lower cost products .

  14. 一般说来,在母版页上使用元素时,建议您使用服务器控件,即使是对不需要服务器代码的元素也是如此。

    In general , when working with elements on master pages , it is recommended that you use a server control , even for elements that do not require server code .

  15. 使用无血清培养液来进行卵母细胞的体外成熟培养和胚胎的发育培养,尽管近年来有人在不断尝试,但是还存在一定的要改进的地方。

    The use of serum-free medium for oocyte maturation embryo culture in vitro and the development , although in recent years it was constantly trying , but there is still some places to improve .

  16. 背景:近年来研究表明视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma,RB)的发生和病变的进展除了与已知的Rb1基因有相关性外,可能还有其他抑癌基因的参与。

    BACKGROUND : Recent researches have indicated that the generation and development of retinoblastoma ( RB ) might also be related with other anti oncogenes except the known Rb1 gene .

  17. 由于共振增强多光子电离(REMPI)母体离子谱与碎片离子谱的相似性,可用探测总离子信号的方法来替代单独的母离子探测,有效地提高痕量探测的灵敏度。

    Similarities in the REMPI spectra of all the ions could lead to greater trace detection sensitivity if the total ion yield is concerned instead of only the parent ions .

  18. 所以,我们用激光共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)观察卵母细胞内部纺锤体,染色体结构,而且我们第一次设立了对照组来进一步证实卵母细胞缺陷影响非男性因素不孕患者的IVF结局。

    So we performed experiments to analyze oocyte structure by laser scanning confocal microscope ( LSCM ) and we established control groups for the first time to further confirm the oocyte defects which affected conventional IVF for non-male infertility .

  19. 后来,又搬来了一只母狗狗,叫“豆豆”。

    Later , there came a female dog named " Dou Dou " .

  20. 不过却来了3只母企鹅,个个都想吸引那只公企鹅的注意。

    Instead , they got three females all trying to get the attention of one male .

  21. 它使用onmessage/postMessage范型来从它的母线程接收和发送数据。

    It uses the onmessage / postMessage paradigm to receive and send data from its parent thread .

  22. 千百年来,它靠母传女、老传少,一代代传下来,形成了人类历史上一个植根甚古、牵涉面颇广、信息含量十分丰富的独特而神奇的文化现象。

    It has been handed down from mother to daughter for hundreds of thousands years , and gradually a kind of magical cultural phenomenon took shape with long history , wide range and rich information in the history of humanity .