
  1. 然而到我这儿将是最后一代,因为我既没有儿子来子承父业,我女儿也完全不擅长园艺。

    I 'll be the last one , though , because I don 't have a son to take over and my daughter isn 't green-fingered at all .

  2. 其材料可就地选用,如菜籽、绿豆、菜菔子、玉不留行来子、磁珠等。

    The material , such as rape seed , a mung beam , radish seed , a seed of Vaccaria segetalis , magnetic bead , etc , can be used .

  3. 对于DOM实现,我使用一对引用:child和next来跟踪子元素排序列表中我所处的位置。

    For the DOM implementation I use a pair of references , child and next , to track my position in the ordered list of children .

  4. 第二个for循环还显示了如何将string分割为子字符串的list(使用空格字符来指示子字符串的边界)。

    The second for loop also shows how to split a string into a list of substrings ( using the space character to indicate the boundaries of substrings ) .

  5. 为了提高子数据流最小后检测信噪比,本文使用BLAST接收机,它通过干扰抵消来提高子数据流后检测信噪比。

    To heighten the minimum post-detection SNR , the thesis adopts BLAST receiver which has significant improvement over the linear receiver by an operation called interfere cancellation .

  6. Swing具有一个Panel类和多个布局管理器,而GWT具有多个panel子类,每个子类都使用自己的算法来安排子小部件的布局。

    Where Swing has one Panel class and multiple layout managers , GWT has multiple panel subclasses , each with its own algorithm for laying out child widgets .

  7. 近年来Krylov子空间方法在矩阵特征值问题和线性方程组的求解中得到了很大的研究和发展。

    Recently , Krylov subspace method is rapidly developed for solving the large-scale linear equation and eigen-value equation .

  8. 实现层次结构在Scala中的效果是相同的:我们可以向方法应用final来防止子类覆盖它,也可应用于类声明本身来防止继承。

    Implementation hierarchy works the same way in Scala : We can apply final to the method to prevent a child class from overriding it or to the class declaration itself to prevent derivatives .

  9. 它首先利用半相交网格划分方法在单个维上进行聚类,然后利用类Apriori规则来形成子空间,在子空间形成的过程中运用类HDCASDP方法产生子空间上的聚类。

    It firstly clusters on all of the single dimensions based on half intersecting grids . Then generates subspace by the similar rule of Apriori . In the course of generating subspace clustering are generated by similar HDCA_SDP algorithm .

  10. 按照以下的步骤来将子单元映射为已存在的模型和包。

    Follow these steps to map subunits to existing models and packages .

  11. 有一个人来磨刀子和剪子。

    A man came to grind the knives and scissors .

  12. 方法,通过子级的标记名来查找子级并返回包含的文本。

    Method to find a child by its tag name and return the contained text .

  13. 有了一个对象之后,即可通过两种方法来创建子数据对象。

    Once we have one object , there are two ways to create any child data objects .

  14. 作为片段来导入子单元

    Import of subunits as fragments

  15. 特别是独生子女的意外死亡,其父母老来丧子,是人生之大不幸,这在中国这个有着儒家文化传统的社会里,这本身就是一种悲哀。

    The sudden death of an only child is a tragedy for any middle-aged or elderly parents .

  16. 在这些线程中,半数线程会用几乎整个生命周期来等待子任务的完成。

    And , of those , half would spend almost their entire lives waiting for subtasks to complete .

  17. 文化控制是指利用企业的远景、共享的信念来管理子公司。

    Cultural control means to manage and control subsidiaries with attractive future and common beliefs of the parent-subsidiary corporation .

  18. 穆巴拉克并没有通过指定其他人担任副总统的方式,来结束子承父业的猜测。

    Mr Mubarak has not put an end to speculation of a dynastic succession by naming an alternative as vice-president .

  19. 子单元映射特性可以以两种方式来支持子单元的共享,如下面所示。

    The subunit map feature enables the sharing of subunits after import in two different ways , as show in the sections below .

  20. 取代阻止发布来等待子项目,每个个别的子项目必须签订预先确定的发布日期。

    Instead of holding back a release to wait for a subproject , each individual subproject must sign up to predetermined release date .

  21. 利用异构的复制技术把子数据库复制到综合信息平台上的中间库,来传递子数据源的数据变化。

    Replication of heterogeneous data sources can made a database in CIS as a medium to transfer change in sub systems to CIS .

  22. 这消除了客户机的压力,不必去导航数据源,并根据实例数据来确定子结构。

    This removes the burden from the client of having to navigate the data structure in order to identify substructures based on instance data .

  23. 它是根元素,因此您可以通过名称(request.XML.city)来寻找子元素。

    It is effectively the root element , so you can ask for child elements by name ( request . XML . city ) .

  24. 该新算法作为一种全局优化算法,以父代最优个体为基础来产生子代群体,并以最优个体的收敛来代替群体的收敛。

    It is a global optimization method , in which offsprings are produced by the best individual of parents population and the elitist replaces population to converge .

  25. 在子进程依赖于父进程的情况下,您可以在父进程中使用等待函数来等待子进程的终止。

    In cases when the child process is dependent on the parent process , you can use wait functions in parent process to wait for the child process termination .

  26. 同时,建立子模型库,依据运行工况与子模型的匹配程度来决定子模型控制器的加权系数。

    In the same time , the sub-model is constructed and the weighting factors for sub-controller are decided by the matching degree between the operation point and the sub-model . 7 .

  27. 我看来那些老存户纷纷来提款子一定不是无缘无故的!光景他们听得了什么破坏我们信用的谣言。

    There must be a reason for all these old depositors rushing to withdraw their money , and it 's my conviction that they 've heard rumours that our credit isn 't good .

  28. 在电子机柜振动台夹具的动态结构设计中,提出以振型来分割子结构的方法,将夹具分割为靠背和底盘两大子结构。

    When vibration table fixture is designed , the fixture is divided into two substructures : back beam and bottom plate according to the method of dividing into substructures based on natural vibration modes .

  29. 该方法首先在红外图像中取出适当大小的子图像,再用合适的增强算法来处理子图像,而子图像以外的区域不作任何处理。

    A proper size sub-image was first taken out of the whole infrared image and the sub-image was then processed with a certain enhancement algorithm , while pixels out of the sub-image were not processed .

  30. 由于在企业集团子公司经营者绩效评估过程中存在一定程度的信息模糊性以及模糊评估方法的优点,本研究采用模糊评估方法来解析子公司经营者绩效评估的实施过程。

    Because there has fuzzy information during the performance evaluation and the fuzzy method has some advantages , we adopt fuzzy method and AHP to analyze the implement course of performance evaluation of subsidiaries ' excutives .