
xiù shí
  • rust;corrosion;rustiness;rust-eaten
锈蚀 [xiù shí]
  • [rust] 金属因生锈而被腐蚀

锈蚀[xiù shí]
  1. 选用非金属低阻波纹板、不锈钢RS电晕板,以及采取相应的防腐措施,能抗结露,耐锈蚀。

    The choice of non-ferrous metal low resistance corrugated sheet , Stainless RS corona sheet and corresponding anti-corrosion measures can resist dew-fell and rustiness .

  2. 轴承锈蚀领域知识的本体描述

    Knowledge Describing of Bearing Rustiness Domain Based on Ontology

  3. 特殊铝合金气缸,坚韧耐磨且不易锈蚀

    Using particular alloyed aluminum air cylinder , the machine is tenacious , wearproof and rustless .

  4. 过了三年,他把鼎从地下挖出来一看,由于药物和泥土的锈蚀,表面的铜质起了变化,跟申屠敦的真的汉鼎极其相似。

    After three years , he dug it out . Owing to the decoction and corrosion surface of the tripod changed and looked very much like Shentu Dun 's genuine tripod .

  5. 用改进的BP网络研究混凝土的碳化和钢筋锈蚀

    Researching Concrete Carbonization and Bar Corrosion with Improved BP Neural Network

  6. 锈蚀管道的X射线图像预处理方法

    Preprocessing X-ray Digital Radiographs of Corroded Pipeline

  7. 使用电子显微镜,X衍射仪,电化学等方法研究了焊丝锈蚀的原因,研制出焊丝气相防锈纸,工业试验表明其防期达3年以上。

    The rusting reason of welding wire was studied by electron microscope , X-diffraction apparatus and electrochemical method .

  8. 根据X射线和化学分析结果,全面分析了混凝土中钢筋锈蚀的机理。

    According to X ray and chemical analysis , the mechanism of reinforcement rust in concrete is analysed .

  9. 并且用BP网络预测钢筋混凝土构件中钢筋的锈蚀量,取得了较好的效果,并运用所得的结果进行分析,为评定结构耐久性提供了依据。

    The quantity of steel corrosion is predicted based on BP neural networks , and it provides foundation for structural durability prediction .

  10. 钢筋锈蚀状态的检测与MCI阻锈技术的应用

    Detection of reinforcing bar corrosion and application of MCI inhibitor technology

  11. 纤维增强塑料筋(FRP筋)作为一种钢筋替代材料在混凝土工程中的应用是解决钢筋锈蚀问题的新途径之一。

    Fiber reinforced polymer ( FRP ) applied as substitution materials provided a new way to dealing with steel corrosion in concrete structures .

  12. 分析了疲劳荷载作用下锈蚀量及锈坑二维尺寸对钢筋剩余静强度的影响,求得了S-N曲线中C参数随锈蚀量的劣化规律;

    Influence on remained static strength of corrosion amount and the two-dimension size of corroded pits has been analyzed ; deterioration law of parameter C in S-N curve has been gotten ;

  13. 锈蚀是加快极板钝化的重要因素,钝化速度还受电流密度,pH2Cr~(6+)浓度以及絮凝体吸附的影响。

    Rust corrosion is an important factor in accelerating electrode passivation , besides , current density , pH , Cr ~ ( 6 + ) content and the adsorption of floccules also have influence on the rate of passivation .

  14. 采用腐蚀挂片试验与XPS表面成分分析发现,在锈蚀的碳钢表面总伴有大量的含硫化合物吸附富集,吸附与锈蚀共存,二者是相互促进的关系。

    It is found that sulfide is always enriched on the rusted surface through the XPS composition analysis and corrosion coupon testing . The corrosion and absorption coexist and mutually promote each other .

  15. 由于人井F1的出水管暴露在人井外,且已锈蚀腐烂,完全失去了排水功能。故F1下游排水渠需重新铺设。

    AS the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed , it has completed rotten , and lost the drainage function , so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake .

  16. Cl~-离子与C-S-H表面之间存在较强的吸附作用,提高混凝土中C-S-H凝胶的数量就可以增加对Cl~-离子的吸附量,从而减轻Cl~-离子对钢筋的锈蚀。

    C-S-H surface adsorbs Cl-ions fast . If the amount ofC-S-H gel increase in concrete the corrosion of reinforcing steel bar will decrease .

  17. 在分析混凝土结构中钢筋锈蚀的基本原理和常用保护方法的基础上,提出应用水泥基pn结给钢筋附加一个保护电场,提高钢筋中电子的逸出功,防止氧化,达到保护钢筋的目的。

    A method of the prevention of reinforcement corrosion is introduced by using the cement-based pn-junction to provide an extra electric potential difference , which could give the electron an additional potential barrier and enhance the electric work function of steel .

  18. 盐雾试验2000h没有锈蚀,具有优良的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性。

    The absence of corrosion of the sprayer can be observed after 2000h salt spray testing , showing excellent wear resistant and corrosion resistant .

  19. 为防止安装后并且在长期使用情况下,减速机底面与台板表面锈蚀在一起,应在台板表面上均匀涂以一层薄薄的MoS2润滑脂。

    In order to prevent corrosion of gear reducer surface and bedplate surface occurring during operation after installation , apply a uniform thin film of MoS2 lubricating grease to bedplate surface .

  20. 结合历次检修及运行记录,利用频谱分析方法对DH型空气压缩机的异常振动进行分析,判定出产生振动异常的原因为级间冷却器的锈蚀物冲刷至叶轮流道上造成不平衡。

    On the basis of historical records of maintenance and operation , abnormal vibration of DH air compressor was analyzed using frequency spectrum analysis method . It was found that the rust was washed off from interstage cooler into the flow passage of impeller to cause imbalance .

  21. 针对钢筋锈蚀对钢筋与混凝土之间粘结滑移力的关系的改变,开展了相关试验,并对试验数据进行了统计分析,为数值分析中粘结滑移力关系(P-S曲线)的选用提供重要的试验依据。

    In view of variation of bond-slip relationship on steel corrosion and concrete , relevant experiments were carried out , and experimental data was statistically analyzed . These tests offered important basis for bond-slip relationship in numerical analysis . 4 .

  22. B11-2黑色丙烯酸电泳涂料具有抗锈蚀性强、泳透力高、施工范围宽等诸多优点,可克服传统的纯酚醛、环氧酯电泳涂料涂膜质量差的缺陷。

    B 11-2 black acrylic electrophoretic coatings is featured by its excellent antirusting property , higher throwing power , and wide application range , which overcame the poor film quality of conventional pure phenolic resin and epoxy ester coatings .

  23. 环境对青铜文物锈蚀的影响

    Effects of Environmental Change on the Corrosion of Historical Bronze Relics

  24. 钢筋在混凝土中被锈蚀的机理及影响因素

    Corrosion Mechanism and Influent Factors of Steel Bar in Reinforced Concrete

  25. 钢筋混凝土中锈蚀产物膨胀倍率的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Expansion Ratio of Rusting Outcome in steel Concrete

  26. 钢筋锈蚀后砼耐久性的模糊可靠度分析

    Fuzzy Reliability Analysis of Durability of Concrete with Corroded Steel Bar

  27. 混凝土梁疲劳与锈蚀损伤评定与预测

    Assessment and Prediction for Fatigue and Corrosion Damages of Concrete Girders

  28. 冷轧钢板锈蚀原因及防锈对策

    Corrosion and protection of cold rolled steel plate in humid atmosphere

  29. 进行钢筋锈蚀氯离子阈值快速测定方法相关研究。

    Research on rapid test determining chloride threshold was carried out .

  30. 锈蚀钢筋与混凝土动态粘结性能研究

    Research on Dynamic Bond Behavior between Corroded Steel Bar and Concrete