
xiù bān
  • rust;pitting;rusty spot
锈斑 [xiù bān]
  • [rust] 生铁上形成的一种多孔性硬质外皮

锈斑[xiù bān]
  1. 请擦去刀上的锈斑。

    Please scour rust spots from the knife .

  2. 结果表明,果皮中内源IAA含量及Ca元素含量的下降与促进果实锈斑的形成和发育有密切关系。

    The results showed that the decrease in contents of endogenous IAA and Ca in fruit skin is closely related to the promotion of fruit rust formation .

  3. 戒指内侧有一层厚厚的锈斑。

    The tarnish lay thick on the inside of the ring .

  4. 结果表明,高速线材形成的黄色锈斑以多孔疏松的Fe2O3、FeOH结构为主。

    Results showed that the rusty was composed of Fe_ 2O_ 3 and Fe - OH with porous and loose structure .

  5. 而无黄色锈斑的钢板表面主要是由FeO组成。

    The yellow rusty stain is mainly caused by the cracks of FeO on the steel surface in rolling and Fe_2O_3 formation in the cracks .

  6. 车主用劲擦除锈斑。除锈-涂底漆联合作业机

    The car owner scoured at rusted spots cleaning and priming machine

  7. 大理石表面锈斑的事故树分析

    Fault tree analysis of the forming of rust smear on marble

  8. 缺陷识别和锈斑的分析,并对其缺陷进行分类等。

    Defect identification and analysis of rust , and its defect classification .

  9. 鸭梨果实果点和锈斑的发育

    The Development of Fruit Dot and Russetting in ' Yan ' Pear

  10. 有些滚筒上有锈斑。

    There are rust spots on some of the rollers .

  11. 枇杷果实锈斑病的发生原因及其控制

    Causes of occurrence and prevention of russet on loquat fruit

  12. 菜豆贮藏中影响锈斑和腐烂发生的因素及其控制

    Observation on the control of russet and decay of snap beans during storage

  13. 刨花板生产线成套设备包钢冷轧板板面锈斑产生原因及改进

    Complete set of equipment for particle board production line

  14. 您洗澡时,剃须膏会给您留下难看的锈斑?

    Has the shaving cream can left ugly rust spots on your shower ?

  15. 在厨房的柜子中能够找到的另外一个可以去除锈斑的材料是小苏打。

    Cream of tartar is another rust remover you might find in your kitchen cabinet .

  16. 最后基于灰度共生矩阵法对锈斑进行了纹理分析。

    This dissertation employs gray-scale concurrence matrix as a tool to analyze texture of rusts as well .

  17. 4套袋能有效的缩小果点,减小锈斑面积。

    The bagging treatment can reduce the size of fruit dot and the area of the russetting .

  18. 参根周皮层锈斑有机组分来源的探讨

    Inquire into the Source of Organic Components in the Rusty Spot of Cortex around of Ginseng Root

  19. 也是我见过的最好的伪装,瞧那些锈斑的细节。

    One of the best I 've seen , too . Look at the detail on that rust .

  20. 套袋处理显著改善砂梨果实商品外观,果点变小,单位面积果点数少,果面锈斑面积有减少的趋势。

    Bagging could significantly improve the appearance of fruits with smaller and less fruit dots , decreasing rusty stain .

  21. 喷镀之前,表面上应当没有油脂、氧化皮、锈斑、湿气或其它杂物。

    Immediately before spraying it should be free from grease , scale , rust , moisture or other foreign matter .

  22. 锈斑是由于海上受潮引起的,所以保险公司应赔偿你方损失。

    The rust stain is due to dampness at sea , so the insurance company shall compensate you for the loss .

  23. 在隧道炉上方的旋转除锈器目的是为了清除不均匀分布的锈斑和残留的铸造渣。

    Rotary de-scaling upstream of the tunnel furnace aims at the removal of heterogeneously distributed scale as well as residuals of casting slag .

  24. 如果可乐能有效清洁金属锈斑,那么可乐对人体的胃会产生什么影响呢?

    And if Cola is such an effective cleaner of corroded metal , what is it doing to the inside of your stomach ?

  25. mcb-4395还可黏附于完整无损的涂漆表面和牢固的锈斑上,也可用于修补自身或无机硅酸锌的底漆。

    Mcb-4395will also adhere to intact painted surfaces and tight rust and may be used to repair itself or inorganic zinc silicate primers .

  26. 锈斑型多数于套袋前发生,锈点型则主要于套袋后发生,锈果率为83.4%。

    The stains-spot type appeared before bagging , and the stains-point type appeared after bagging . The ratio of pears with stains was 83.4 % .

  27. 另外,果皮中内源激素和矿质元素含量对果实锈斑的形成和发育也有一定影响。

    In addition , it was discovered that both endogenous hormone and elements in fruit skin are involved in the process of formation and development of fruit rust .

  28. 您也可以在有锈斑的镀铬物表面涂上一层可乐&砂布上也来些,然后转圈打磨,即可除锈。

    You can also apply coke to a chrome finish which is rust spotted – pour some on a rough textured cloth and rub it in a circular motion .

  29. 您也可以在有锈斑的镀铬物表面涂上一层可乐——砂布上也来些,然后转圈打磨,即可除锈。

    You can also apply coke to a chrome finish which is rust spotted - pour some on a rough textured cloth and rub it in a circular motion .

  30. 高兴吧,陛下,在你身世中的污点洗去了,在你王冠上的锈斑擦掉了。正义,尽管长期受到阻挡,现在终于得到了申张。

    Rejoice , o king ; for the taint is removed from your blood and the stain from your crown . justice , long delayed , is at last triumphant .