
  • 网络Badain Jaran Desert
  1. 图巴特和他的妻子托桑特萨甘是内蒙古额济纳旗(EjinBanner)的村民,那里有中国四大沙漠之一—巴丹吉林沙漠(BadainJaranDesert)。

    Tubbat and his wife , Tosontsagaan , are villagers in Inner Mongolia 's Ejin Banner , where there is the Badain Jaran Desert , one of China ' s four biggest deserts .

  2. 利用巴丹吉林沙漠的试验数据,将新建立的模型应用于计算该试验场地的蒸发通量,并对比新模型计算结果与PdV理论计算结果之间的差异。

    With the Badain Jaran Desert experiment , both the new developed model and the PdV model were used to calculate surface evaporation .

  3. 基于RS和GIS的沙漠湖泊动态变化研究&以巴丹吉林沙漠为例

    Study on dynamic change of desert lakes in Badan Jaran Desert based on RS and GIS

  4. 巴丹吉林沙漠北部风沙地貌形态类型的分区研究

    Division of Aeolian Landform Configuration in Northern Badain Jaran Desert

  5. 巴丹吉林沙漠包气带Cl~-示踪与气候记录研究

    Chloride as a Tracer and Climatic Change Record from Unsaturated Zone of Badain Jaran Desert

  6. 巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊及其下游地下水同位素分析

    Isotope Method to Study the replenishment the Lakes and downstream Groundwater in Badain Jaran Desert

  7. 巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区的景观类型及其形成机制初探

    Landscape Types and its Formation Mechanism in the Badain Jaran Desert and its Surrounding Areas

  8. 相似优先比法研究巴丹吉林沙漠及周边地区地下水补给

    Application of similarity priority ratio on resources of groundwater in Badain Jaran Desert and its surrounding areas

  9. 巴丹吉林沙漠是中国第二大沙漠,世界第三大沙漠。

    Badain Jaran desert is the second biggest desert in China , and the third in theworld .

  10. 巴丹吉林沙漠总面积4.7万平方公里,世界第四大沙漠。

    The desert Covers a total area of47,000 square kilometers , the forth largest in the world .

  11. 第二条路径(巴丹吉林沙漠附近)与高空急流有密切关系。

    The second path ( near Badain Jaran shamo ) had close relationship with the upper-level jet stream .

  12. 巴丹吉林沙漠沙丘芦苇特有的一小分子溶质及其对逆境胁迫的适应意义

    A Novel Low-Mr Solute Specified in Dune Reed and Its Roles in the Plant Adaptation to the Stress Habitat

  13. 巴丹吉林沙漠戈壁地区不同地表覆盖类型下表土的平均起动摩阻风速

    The Mean Threshold Wind Friction Velocities of Surface Soils with Various Land Cover Types in Badain Juran Desert , China

  14. 利用气候地貌学原理,分析研究了巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区的景观类型。

    On the basis of climatic geomorphology , the author investigates the types of landscape in the Badain Jaran Desert and its surrounding areas .

  15. 水化学成分聚类法分析巴丹吉林沙漠及邻区地下水补给源

    Application of the Method of Water Chemical Composition Clustering to the Analysis on Recharge Sources of Groundwater in Badain Jaran Desert and Its Adjoining Regions

  16. 蒙古国南部、巴丹吉林沙漠、腾格里沙漠、乌兰布和沙漠和毛乌素沙地是强沙尘暴过程的主要沙尘源地;

    The major sand-dust sources were in Gobi in South Mongolia , Badain Jaran Desert , Tengger Desert , Ulan Buh Desert and Mu Us Sandy Land ;

  17. 以巴丹吉林沙漠为主体的中国北部沙漠是我国北方地区两大粉尘源之一。

    Chinese northern desert ( hereafter CND ), with Badain Jaran desert as its main body , is one of the two most important dust sources in northern part of China .

  18. 通过对黄土-古土壤与沙漠和黄河样品中重矿物成分的比较,我们发现毛乌素沙漠西部、巴丹吉林沙漠、乌兰布和沙漠以及黄河可能是中国黄土主要的物源贡献者。

    We found that the western Mu Us desert , the Badain Jaran desert , the Ulan Buh desert , and the Yellow river are likely key dust contributors for the Chinese Loess Plateau .

  19. 从开发类型上来看,巴丹吉林沙漠适合发展为以探险观光型旅游产品为主体,大众娱乐及休闲度假为辅助的景区。

    For the development type , in Badain Jaran Desert , it is suitable for developing adventure and Sightseeing tourism products as the main body , the public entertainment and leisure resort products as the auxiliary .

  20. 摘要以巴丹吉林沙漠及邻区为例,基于距离空间基本原理,对水样化学成分进行了离散性、主成分和相关性分析,指导样品数据采集和化验。

    Taking the Badain Jaran Desert and its neighboring district as an example , discreteness , principal component and correlation of the chemical constituents of water samples were analyzed for the benefit of data collection and test .

  21. 主要研究结果和初步结论如下:(1)巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊水离子的年际变化较稳定,映射出湖泊补给源、补给途径等在近10年来变化不大。

    The mainly research conclusions were as follows : ( 1 ) The inter-annual variability of ions in the Badain Jaran Desert lakes is stable , it means that there are no change on the recharge resource and ways .

  22. 处于我国西北内陆干旱荒漠地带的世界最高大的沙丘系统&巴丹吉林沙漠横向沙山系统,具有重要的风沙地貌与沙漠第四纪地质及水文学研究价值。

    The Badain Jaran Desert transverse mega-dune system in inland arid desert zone of northwestern China , as the highest dune-system in the world , has significant research value in the aspects of Aeolian Sand Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology and Hydrology .

  23. 另外,本研究采用巴丹吉林沙漠南缘阿拉善右旗与雅布赖两个气象站点的气候观测资料,结合区域内降水量与蒸发量的变化,探讨了不同时间尺度沙漠湖泊变化的主要因素。

    In addition , the meteorological datasets from two meteorological station in Alxa Right Banner and Yabrai , at the southern edge of the Badain Jaran Desert , are used to analyze the main influence factors of the lake area changes .

  24. 及时准确地掌握巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊变化的动态过程,对于探寻沙漠水循环机理和沙漠水资源的有效利用具有重要意义。

    It is significant to master the dynamic process of the lake changes in the Badain Jaran Desert opportunely and accurately , for the exploration of the water cycling mechanism of the desert lake and the efficient use of the desert water resource .

  25. 巴丹吉林沙漠东南部湖水位高于其南部河西走廊的地下水位,表明该区众多沙漠湖泊的湖水不可能来自南部的祁连山区。

    In the southeastern lakes of Badain Jaran Desert , the elevations of lake surface were higher than the groundwater level in the Hexi Corridor , which indicates that the formation of desert lakes was not necessarily associated with the water supplies from the Qilian Mountains .

  26. 位于巴丹吉林沙漠南缘荒漠地区(河西走廊)生长的芦苇,根据其生境特点可分为水生芦苇、沙丘芦苇、轻度盐化草甸芦苇和重度盐化草甸芦苇。

    According to their habitats and characteristics , growing in Hexi corridor are divided into four different ecotypes , refered to as swamp reed ( SR ), dune reed ( DR ), light salt meadow reed ( LSMR ) and heavy salt meadow reed ( HSMR ) .