
bái lù
  • egret
白鹭 [bái lù]
  • [egret] 又叫鹭鸶,鹳的一种,羽毛白色,腿长,能涉水捕食鱼吓

白鹭[bái lù]
  1. 厦门白鹭自然保护区鼎突多刺蚁(PolyrhachisvicinaRoger)种群动态及分布

    The Dynamics and Distribution of Polyrhachis vicina Roger Population in Egret Nature Reserve of Xiamen

  2. 对白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)和牛背鹭(Bubulcusibis)雏鸟肠蛋白酶进行研究。

    The intestine proteinases taken from nestling of Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta ) and Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ) were studied .

  3. 该白脸鹭混杂于白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)等鹭类群体内,涉水觅食或栖息于岸上。

    This heron mixed with little egrets ( Egretta garzetta ) and other species of egrets or herons , wading and feeding in water or roosting on the islet .

  4. 其中,风头潜鸭(Aythyafuligula)、红嘴鸥(Larusridibundus)、黑腹滨鹬(Calidrisalpina)和白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)为优势种,其数量之和占总数量的76%。

    The dominant species were Tufted Duck ( Aythya fuligula ), Black-headed Gull ( Larus ridibundus ), Dunlin ( Calidris alpina ) and Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta ), and the individual number of these 4 species occupied 76 % of the total individual number .

  5. 厦门白鹭保护区白鹭体内重金属含量的分析

    Heavy Metal Contents of Young and Adult Little Egret in Xiamen

  6. 白鹭飞落在新绿的青草。

    Egrets glide and land on the marshes with new blades .

  7. 南海枫丹白鹭酒店国际会议中心&建筑声学设计

    International Conference Center of Nanhai Fontainebleau Hotel : Architectural Acoustics Design

  8. 吉安白鹭大桥钢管拱安装技术

    Erection technology for the steel pipe arch of Ji'an Bailu Bridge

  9. 地球化学的分布法则广泛分布的东半球白鹭。

    Principle of geochemical distribution widely distributed Old World white egret .

  10. “白鹭友谊奖”表彰外国专家

    Foreign experts to be recognized with " egret friendship awards "

  11. 厦门国家级自然保护区白鹭生态安全评价

    Ecological safety assessment of egrets in Xiamen National Nature Reserve

  12. 涟水县鸟类自然保护区黄嘴白鹭资源现状调查

    Investigation of Egretta eulophotes in Lianshui Bird Nature Reserve

  13. 那白鹭振翅向湖对岸慢慢飞去。

    The heron flapped slowly off across the lake .

  14. 白鹭和牛背鹭肠蛋白酶理化特性的研究

    The Physiochemical Characteristics of Intestine Proteinase Taken from Little Egret and Cattle Egret

  15. 白鹭在芦苇丛中溅起一片水花在沙洲上流下了它们的印记。

    Egrets splashed amongst the reeds and left their tracks across the sandbars .

  16. 嘘!你看那边有个白鹭。

    Sh ! Look at the egret over there .

  17. 我看到大面积的沼泽地里的孤独大白鹭。

    I spotted this lone Great Egret in a large area of marsh grass .

  18. 巽寮湾、白鹭湖也有类似的开发设想。

    Xunliao Bay has a similar development envisioned .

  19. 大白鹭数量最少,亦占据中心区的顶巢;

    Great Egrets also took the upper nests but they have the smallest population .

  20. 论赣南客家古村落文化的保护&以赣县白鹭村为例

    By Gannan Hakkas Ancient Village Culture Protection & Take Ganxian Egret Village as Example

  21. 美洲热带白鹭,与夜鹭有亲缘关系。

    Tropical American heron related to night herons .

  22. 中国最大的黄嘴白鹭繁殖群调查报告

    The Biggest Chinese Egret Breeding Flock of China

  23. 核电城:白鹭之家

    Nuclear power city : Egrets ' home

  24. 白鹭对我们来说倒不是很陌生。

    Egrets are not unfamiliar to us .

  25. 近观鸟岛上万千白鹭翱翔天空,湖面上岛屿星罗棋布。

    Nearly bird island Millions egrets flying sky on the island north of the lake .

  26. 白鹭与黑羊。

    The egret and the goats .

  27. 白鹭和池鹭雏鸟的生长表现为S型生长曲线。

    The growth of nestlings of in little egret and pond heron appeared in S curve .

  28. 数不胜数的白鹭,在海边筑巢安家。数不胜数的牌子制造了出来,又消失得无影无踪。

    Countless white egrets make home at the seaside . Thousands of nameplates came and went .

  29. 也正是因为有了这些白鹭。

    Just because of these egrets .

  30. 孵化成功率白鹭为8425%,夜鹭为7546%;

    Hatching success was 84 25 % for Little Egret and 75 46 % for Night Heron .