
bái shǒu wū
  • Baishouwu;radix cynanchi bungei
白首乌[bái shǒu wū]
  1. 白首乌淀粉提取工艺及其与粉葛淀粉理化特性的研究

    Studies on the Extraction Technology of Radix Cynanchi Bungei Starch and the Physicochemical Properties of Radix Cynanchi Bungei Starch and Radix Pueraria Thomsonii Starch

  2. 白首乌中一个新的C(21)甾体苷类化合物

    Newly-found C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycoside from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum

  3. 超临界CO2萃取白首乌中C(21)甾苷的工艺研究

    Extraction of C_ ( 21 ) Steroidal Glycosides from Cynanchum Auriculatum Royle Ex Wight with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

  4. 不属于甾类化合物,或没有甾类化合物作用。白首乌中一个新的C(21)甾体苷类化合物

    Not steroidal or not having the effects of steroid hormones . Newly-found C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycoside from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum

  5. 白首乌中3个C(21)甾体皂苷类成分对人肺癌A549细胞生长及周期的影响

    Effects of three C_ ( 21 ) steroidal saponins from Cynanchum auriculatum on cell growth and cell cycle of human lung cancer A549 cells

  6. 目的评价白首乌新苷A(CA)的体内外抗肿瘤活性及诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的作用。

    Objective To investigate the antitumor effect of cynanauriculoside A ( CA ) isolated from the root of Cynanchum auriculatum and its effect of apoptosis induction in tumor cells .

  7. 结果白首乌多糖肝损伤防治组小鼠血清ALT及AST活性比模型组显著降低,两组比较,差异有统计学意义。

    ResultsThe activity of the serum GPT / ALT and GOT / AST in the experiment group decreased more significantly than that in model control group , and the differences were statically significant .

  8. 其次采用L9(34)正交实验设计,以白首乌中C21甾苷相对含量和出膏率为评价指标,优化醇提工艺;

    The relative content of C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycosides and paste rate were used as endpoints .

  9. C21甾苷类成分是白首乌的特征性成分和主要药效成分,也是控制白首乌药材质量的指标成分。

    Cynauricuoside A is the characteristic and main effective constituents of Cynanchum auriculatum .

  10. 体外用细胞生长曲线法、MTT试验、蛋白质含量测定法及形态学观察研究了白首乌甾体总苷(CG)的抗肿瘤作用。

    In vitro cytotoxicity of total steroidal glycoside ( CG ) from the root of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight was studied on Hce 8693 , PC 3 , Hela and PAA solid tumor cells by determining cell growth curve , MTT test , protein content assay and morphological observation .

  11. 白首乌组织培养快速繁殖的研究

    Study on rapid propagation of Bunge Swallowwort by in vitro culture

  12. 白首乌离体快速繁殖的研究

    A Study on Rapid Propagation of Bunge Swallowwort in vitro

  13. 白首乌粗多糖对酒精性肝损伤的保护作用研究

    Protective Effects of Polysaccharide from Bai-shou-wu on Alcohol-induced Liver Injury

  14. 白首乌化学成分与药理活性研究进展

    Advances in Research of Chemistry and Pharmacology of Bai-shou-wu

  15. 泰山白首乌塑料大棚弥雾蔓插育苗技术

    Cutting with Vines Technique of Cynanchum bungei in Plastic Shed Full of Vapour

  16. 不同栽培密度下白首乌干物质积累和分配规律的研究

    Effect of various planting densities on accumulation and distribution of Cynanchum bungei dry matter

  17. 不同产地加工方法对泰山白首乌磷脂含量的影响

    Effects of different habitat processing methods on the content of phosphatide in Raidx Cynanchum bungei Decne

  18. 泰山白首乌中微量金属元素的测定

    The determination of trace metal elements in the root of Cynanchum bungei Decne of Mount Tai

  19. 白首乌的生物学特性和栽培技术以及有效成分提取工艺研究

    Studies on Biological Characteristics , Cultivation Techniques and Extraction Technology of Effective Components in Cynanchum Bungei Decne

  20. 结论白首乌多糖对酒精所致小鼠急性肝损伤模型具有显著的保护作用。

    ConclusionPolysaccharide from Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight has significant protective effect on ethanol-induced liver injury in mice .

  21. 主要研究了白首乌的生物学特性、栽培措施对白首乌产量和品质的影响及其生理基础、有效成分提取方法三方面的内容。

    Biological characteristics , cultivation techniques and extraction technology of effective components , from radix Cynanchum bungei were studied .

  22. 经HPD-400吸附纯化后,白首乌抗氧化提取物中总多酚含量提高了10.18倍,总黄酮提高了2.53倍。

    After absorption and purification by HPD400 , the amount of total phenolic and total flavones compounds were increased by10.18, 2.53 times .

  23. 结论:不同产地,不同采收期的白首乌的三个样品糖类成分的含量存在差异。

    Conclusion : There are differences on the content of saccharides among Baishouwu samples coming from different habitats , picking time and process mothods .

  24. 结论不同加工炮制方法对白首乌磷脂含量有较大的影响,白首乌的最佳产地加工方法为药材带皮蒸后烘干。

    Conclusion Habitat processing method has an effect on the content of phosphatide in Raidx Cynanchum bungei Decne and the best way is oven dry after steaming with peel .

  25. 泰山白首乌化学成分的提取、分离与鉴定泰山位于山东省中部,是五岳之首。

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Cynanchum Bungei Decne ; as the first of the five sacred mountains , Mount Taishan is located in the central part of Shandong Province .

  26. 结果表明:泰山白首乌和何首乌的干样三次浸出液中8种微量元素的总溶出率分别为38%~62%和42%~63%。

    The result shows that the total dissolving yields of eight trace elements in three dissolved solution were reached up to 38 % ~ 62 % and 42 % ~ 63 % for Cynanchum bungei Decne and Polygonum multiflorum Thunb respectively .