
  • 网络zihe river
  1. 淄河上游农业非点源污染负荷分析与防治研究

    Pollutant Loading from Agricultural Non-point Sources in Upper Reaches of the Zihe River : Analysis and Control

  2. 淄河下游污染区地下水污染特征及人畜供水条件分析

    Analysis on Characters of Groundwater Pollution and Water Supply for Human and Livestock in the Polluted Area in the Downstream of Zihe River

  3. 有一次,我经过淄河的时候,梦里听见一个泥人和个木偶在河边谈话。

    Once when I was passing the Zi River , I heard in my dream a man made of mud talking with a wooden puppet by the river bank .

  4. 山东淄河流域岩溶地下水系统研究

    Systems of Karst Ground Water in Zihe Valley , Shandong Province

  5. 淄河断裂岩溶发育规律探讨

    Approach to the Regularity of the Karst Development in Zihe Fracture

  6. 利用频谱响应函数进行淄河流域地下水资源评价

    The use of frequency-spectrum response function in evaluation of groundwater resources of Zihe area

  7. 淄河综合治理工程生态技术探讨

    Ecological Techniques Discussion in Administering Zi River Engineering

  8. 鲁中淄河式层控铁矿床岩相特征及形成机理

    Lithofacies features and mechanism of formation of time-and STRATA-BOUND iron ore deposits of Zihe type in central Shandong Province

  9. 淄河综合治理工程涉及到环境、水利、园林规划等专业,是一项系统工程,也是一项生态工程。

    Administering Zi river is a systematic project , is also a ecological project , which is concerned with the special fields such as environment , water conservancy , garden program , and so on .

  10. 研究结果表明,长期残留在淄河滩土层中的石油烃类主要由沥青质、胶质构成,占总烃类的60%~80%。

    The experimental results indicate that petroleum carbons in the soil are composed of colloid and pitchy compounds accounting for 60 % ~ 80 % of total petroleum carbons , which may limit the biodegradation of petrochemicals .