
  • 网络white glaze
  1. 中温高白釉的研制

    Development of high & white glaze under medium temperature

  2. 钛白釉色相的控制

    Controlling and Resolvent of Titanium White Glaze Colour

  3. 一种高遮盖乳浊白釉的应用研究

    Research on the Application of White Opaque Glaze with High Cover-up

  4. 在透明釉、锆白釉,发色纯正。

    Color presentation is pure in transparent or Zirconium opaque glaze .

  5. 白釉剔花装饰的产生、发展及相关问题

    The Origin and Development of White Slip Sgraffito Decoration and Related Issues

  6. 烧成制度对铸铁搪瓷钛白釉的影响研究

    The Effect of Sintering System Towards of Titania Vitreous Enamel

  7. 陶瓷路标高乳白釉的研制

    Development of High - opaque Glaze for Ceramic Road Sign

  8. 钢板日用搪瓷白底釉日用钛白釉瓷层耐酸性能研究

    Study on Acid Resistance of Titania - white Domestic Enamel

  9. 提高搪瓷无硼钛白釉白度和光泽的探讨

    Investigation on Improving Whiteness and Gloss of Boron-free Titania Enamel

  10. 无锆低温绢光玉白釉的研制

    Preparation of LOW-temperature Zirconium Free Silklike White Glaze

  11. 日用瓷白釉的研究

    The Study on White Glazes of Domestic Porcelain

  12. 文中给出了采用这种电荷堆积排除器测得的瓷碟上白釉的背散射能谱。

    A typical Rutherford backscattering spectrum from white porcelain glaze on a dish is presented .

  13. 这枚彩蛋的弹壳是由它不透明的白釉制作,里面的蛋黄用金子制作。

    Its shell was made of an opaque white enamel and it contained a gold yolk .

  14. 高膨胀钛白釉研究

    High Thermal Expansion Titania Opaque Enamel

  15. 熔制工艺对搪瓷钛白釉白度及结晶行为的影响塑性加工的工艺润滑

    Effect on Whiteness and Crystallization of Titania Vitreous Enamel of Melting System lubrication in plastic working

  16. 雌白釉在酷热的环境下如果找不到配偶就会死亡。

    A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate .

  17. 95高铝瓷用高温乳白釉的研制

    Development of high temperature opal glaze for high alumina porcelain with the content of 95 % al_2o_3

  18. 定窑是唐宋时期的著名瓷窑,以烧造精美的白釉瓷器闻名于世。

    The Ding kiln was a renowned porcelain kiln of the Tang-Song period , famous for its fine white-glaze wares .

  19. 白度大于80,符合国标的高温乳浊白釉。

    Its firing temperature is over 1 300 ℃ and whiteness is over 80 , and the other properties accord with the national standard well .

  20. 红茶则以里面为白釉的紫砂茶具泡制为宜,或是采用白瓷、暖色调的茶具,或是泡咖啡的器皿;

    black tea goes well with purple clay ware with white inside glaze , or with white porcelain or warm colored wares or coffee wares ;

  21. 其中,唐代的黑釉原料产地非常集中,青釉和白釉原料产地分散;

    The sources of raw materials of the black glazes in Tang dynasty are very concentrated , the green glazes and the white glazes are scattered .

  22. 通过在釉中引入长石、滑石、氧化锌做复合熔剂做乳浊剂、研制出高温乳白釉,用正交实验法优选出理想的釉料配方及制备工艺、烧成制度。

    High temperature opal glaze has been developed with the use of feldspar , talc and zinc oxide as flux and opacifier . The ideal glaze formula , preparation process , firing system are optimized with the aid of cross experimental design .

  23. 元代青花瓷器的胎质,在淘洗技术上不如明清时期细致。元代青花瓷器的釉层一般比明清时期略厚,白釉地子的闪青程度也较明清为重,可能是当时施釉较厚和釉料中含铁量较多的缘故。

    The roughcast is not as smooth as that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties , while the glaze of the Blue and White Porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty is thicker than that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties , due to more iron in the raw material of the glaze .