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bái xiàng
  • White phase;play;visit prostitutes
白相 [bái xiàng]
  • (1) [play] 〈方〉∶游玩;玩耍

  • 我们白相了多年

  • (2) [visit prostitutes]∶嫖妓;玩弄女人

白相[bái xiàng]
  1. 我跑遍各家商店想买一件监白相问的衬衫,但却一件也找不到。

    I scoured the shops for a blue and white shirt , but I couldn 't find one anywhere .

  2. 胃黏膜象为:胃黏膜白相或红白相间,以白为主,黏液稀薄而多,色多清白,胃壁蠕动减弱,或有黏膜水肿;

    The gastric mucosa was white or red alternating with white and most in white , thin and much secretion , light and white color , the moving of the stomach getting weaker .

  3. 肿瘤强化区域的ADC值及FA值与对侧大脑白质相比较具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The ADC value and FA value of tumor enhancement region have statistical difference with contralateral normal white matter ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 从远处,长期繁荣和白臂相结合,为达到令人印象深刻。

    From a distance , the long boom and white jib combine for impressive reach .

  5. 为了和你的亮白新牙相匹配,你可能需要再进行牙科修复,包括粘接和填补。

    To match your new tooth shade , you may need to investigate new dental work , including veneers or bonding .

  6. 聚醋酸乙烯水泥复合乳胶漆是将聚醋酸乙烯乳液与普通硅酸盐白水泥相混合,并用107胶和膨润土改性,形成聚醋酸乙烯水泥单罐装复合材料。

    The cement composite emulsion paint is prepared by mixing PVAc emulsion with ordinary silicate white cement and modified by 107 adhesive and bentonite .

  7. 目的探讨原位分子杂交法诊断尖锐湿疣的敏感性与特异性,并与组织病理及醋白试验相比较。

    Objective To explore the sensitivity and specificity of in situ hybridization in human papillomavirus in condyloma acuminata tissues and compare with acetowhitening and biopsy .

  8. 白念珠菌菌相转换基因HYR1上游N-乙酰葡萄糖胺激活序列的初步定位

    Location analysis of N-acetylglucosamine activation region of promoter sequence of Candida albicans yeast-hyphal transition gene

  9. 本文研究了载波相移对m-QAM传输系统性能的影响,计算分析了高斯白噪声信道相移量与系统误码率及信噪比的关系,并进行了计算机仿真。

    In this paper , we discussed the effect by carrier phase error in digital image transmission system , calculated code error rate and SNR with carrier phase error in Gauss white noise channel , and simulated the transmission system on computer .

  10. 该代谢物的出现被作为闪白曲霉多相分类的一种标准。

    The occurence of this metabolite is used as a criterion in the polyphasic taxonomy of A.candidus .

  11. 随着白榴石晶相含量的增加,长石瓷的断裂韧性也随之提高。

    With the increase of the content of leucite crystals , the fracture toughness of feldspathic ceramics will increase accordingly .

  12. 在终浓度≤40μg/mL的汉防己甲素作用下,白念珠菌酵母相的存活率>95%。

    Results : When Tetrandrine ≤ 40 μ g / mL , the survivability of the yeast form of 16 C. albicans was greater than 95 % .

  13. 发现白念珠菌菌丝相胞壁提取物中有一分子量大约为39000蛋白抗原成份很可能是白念珠菌芽管特异性抗原;

    We found a protein component ( molecular weight , 39 000 ) in cell wall extracts of mycelial-phase , which may be a germ tube & specific antigen of C. albicans .

  14. 药物对照组与正常对照组的外周血白细胞总数相比较差别无意义,提示臭牡丹提取液无白细胞抑制作用、无明显全身性毒副作用。

    The difference of the number of white blood cell in peripheral blood between medicine control group and normal control group is insignificant ( P0.05 ), which illustrates that clerodendrum bungei extracts have no leukocyte-inhibition or obvious systemic toxic action . 7 .

  15. 整个测试方案以黑盒和白盒单元测试相结合的方式实现,使测试更有效,更灵活。

    The entire testing is carried out by the combination of the black and white box units , to make the testing more efficient and flexible .

  16. 在自然界中存在着具有与白鲜碱结构相类似的生物碱,人们对这类生物碱进行结构修饰和改造,得到了一些具有良好生物活性的衍生物。

    There were some alkaloids whose structures were similar to dictamnine in nature , and several dictamnine derivatives with good biological activity were synthesized by structure modification .

  17. 本文分析了黑盒测试和白盒测试的优缺点,提出了在集成测试中把黑盒测试方法和白盒测试方法相结合的灰盒测试方法。

    This paper has analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of black box testing and white box testing and proposed a gray box testing method which combined the black box testing and white box testing together .