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  • Wok;pot;cauldron
  • 锅:~盖。

  • 古代的大锅:鼎~(常作为烹人的刑具)。~亨(“亨”,同“烹”)。汤~(古代酷刑,把人投入盛着沸水的锅中煮死)。

  1. 以少许油起镬,中火爆香材料(B);

    Use some oil to saut ? ingredients ( B ) over medium heat until fragrant .

  2. 牛柳条回镬,调味及拌入酸忌廉。

    Return the beef , add seasoning and sour cream .

  3. 铁镬是每个中国人家庭里很常用的厨房╱食用具。

    Wok is a very common kitchen ╱ cooking utensil in every Chinese family .

  4. 蒜头、大葱、姜片下油镬走油,或略为爆香亦可。

    Deep fry garlic , welsh onion and ginger or stir fry until aromatic .

  5. 羊腩件放半镬滚水内拖水数分钟,取出,冲净。

    Blanch lamb pieces in boiling water for a few minutes , remove and rinse .

  6. 镬内烧油至微温,加入蒜茸,爆炒至香味溢出。

    Heat oil in wok gently , add chopped garlic . Saute for a while .

  7. 烧热2汤匙油,中火爆香青胡椒,猪颈肉回镬炒匀;

    Add2 tbsp oil to saute the peppercorn , add back pork cheeks and toss well .

  8. 在平底镬加入少许油,烧热镬后将面糊煎香成煎饼;

    Heat up a frying pan with some oil , then pan-fry the batter into pancakes ;

  9. 把肋排回镬,加入调味汁煮沸;

    Return the ribs to wok , add seasonings , bring to boil over high heat .

  10. 五花腩原件冲净,用老抽搽抹猪皮,用白镬爆至啡色。

    Rinse pork belly , rub skin with dark soya sauce , sear skin until brown .

  11. 把上汤倒入热镬中,下半茶匙盐、2汤匙生粉,拌匀。

    Pour stock into heated wok.Add1/2 tsp of salt and2 tbsp of caltrop starch and mix well .

  12. 镬中下少许油把栗子炒1分钟,盛起后用;

    Heat oil in wok , saut é chestnuts for1min , take out and leave for further use ;

  13. 烧半镬水,加油、盐及糖调味,放入芥兰度汆水;

    Parboil in boiling water with oil , salt and sugar , until kale slightly turns tender . Remove ;

  14. 姜茸、指天椒碎及步骤1内的材料放镬内爆香,加入100毫升热水,用慢火煮5分钟;

    Remove the prawns and stir in the ginger , green chili and tamarind mixture.Add100 ml boiling water and simmer for5 minutes .

  15. 起油镬,将腌好的牛肉加入炒至七分熟,盛起。

    Heat up some oil in the wok , saut ? the beef until medium rare , dish up and leave aside .

  16. 用一只14英寸的平底镬,或12英寸长柄炒锅加热,当一滴水滴在锅时,在1到2秒内蒸发为恰好。

    Heat a14-inch flat-bottomed wok or a12-inch skillet over high heat until a drop of water evaporates within a second or two when added to the pan .

  17. 烧热油,牛腩下镬,加入蒜茸、姜茸各一汤匙及柱侯酱两汤匙同炒。

    Heat oil , put the flank beef in the wok and add chopped garlic , chopped ginger and 2 tbsp . chu-hau paste in to stir-fry .

  18. 铸是把生铁从新入炉浇铸,按产品大小,倒铸成锅、镬和铁灶等产品。

    Is to re-cast into the furnace pig iron casting , according to product size , inverted cast pot , pan and iron stoves and other products .

  19. 烧热镬,转中火,加入蛋白鲜奶,并放入做法1之混合物,然后慢慢搅匀。

    Heat the wok , then turn to medium , and add the egg white , milk . Pour in the mixture ( from method 1 ) slowly .

  20. 把适量粉浆倒入已落油之平底煎镬内,煎至两面呈金黄色,卷起上碟。

    Pour enough batter to cover the base of a greased pan , fry until light golden on both sides , roll up and transfer to a plate .

  21. 镬内烧2汤匙油,加入免治猪肉、蒜茸及姜茸,炒透后注入芡汁,烧滚。

    Heat 2 tbsps oil in wok , saute the minced pork with minced garlic and ginger until done . Pour in the sauce and bring to the boil .

  22. 烧热镬下油炒韭菜,下盐,炒至六成熟,再下牛骨?回炒,埋生粉水芡上碟即成。

    Heat work and add oil . Stir fry chives with salt until 60 % cooked . Return ox bone marrow and stir fry . Thicken with cornflour solution and serve .

  23. 蒜头去衣切成薄片,下油镬中炸至金黄色即取出隔去油分;

    Peel and thinly slice the garlic , heat oil in wok , deep fry garlic over medium heat till golden brown , remove from oil and drain on paper towel ;

  24. 烧热镬,下油、瓣酱、O酱,再下清汤1/碗,煮滚后加入豆腐件、豆肉,再下幼盐略煮。

    Heat up wok . Add oil , broad bean paste , XO sauce and1 / 2 bowl clear stock . Bring to boil . Add beancurd , peas and salt . Cook briefly .

  25. 加多一点油炒香豆瓣酱和蒜茸,下甜椒炒一会,加入馀下调味,凤尾虾回镬炒片刻,试味后上碟。

    Add some oil to saut é the sauce and garlic until fragrant , add peppers and seasonings , return shrimp to wok , mix well and cook till done , season to taste and serve .

  26. 介绍一种新的低成本合成具有网络互穿结构TiC/AZ91D镬基复合材料的方法&原位反应渗透法。

    In this paper , a novel and cost-effective processing route , in situ reactive infiltration technique , was proposed to fabricate titanium carbide reinforced magnesium matrix composites ( TiC / AZ91D ) with interpenetrating networks .

  27. 镬中下少许油炒香红咖喱酱,加入50毫升椰汁边煮边拌匀,加入柠檬叶,倒入馀下椰汁和100毫升水同煮沸;

    Saut ? the curry paste in a wok with some oil , add50ml coconut milk , stir until well-mixed and becomes fragrant , add lime leaves , remaining coconut milk plus100ml water , bring to a boil .
