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  1. 汉人渤海人的迁入为农业发展带来了机遇,这三方面反映了辽今时期农业高度发展的原因。

    And the immigration of the Han people and the Bohai people brought opportunities for the agricultural development .

  2. 以农业为主要生产方式的是南部地区的汉族以及东部渤海人。

    The agricultural zone referred to the southern area where the Han lived and the eastern area where the Bohai people lived .

  3. 从事农业的大多是南部的汉人和东部的渤海人。

    Those engaged in agriculture were mostly the Han people who lived in the southern area and the Bohai people who lived in the eastern area .

  4. 被渤海皇室的人残酷的处决。

    And brutally killed by the royal family of balhae .

  5. 张健是第一个横渡渤海的中国人。

    Zhangjian is the first Chinese to to swim across the Bohai Sea .