
lái wǎng
  • come and go;thoroughfare;contact;dealing;intercourse;mingle;transaction;about;around


lái wang
  • dealings;contact;intercourse
来往 [lái wǎng]
  • (1) [come and go]∶来和去

  • 街上来往的人很多

  • (2) [thoroughfare]∶通行

  • 翻修路面,禁止车辆来往

  • (3) [contact;dealing;intercourse;mingle; transaction]∶联系、交往或接触--用于人

  • 他仅与那些百万富翁们来往

  • (4) [about;around]∶左右;上下

  • 总不过二尺来往水

来往[lái wǎng]
来往[lái wang]
  1. 今天,这里仍有许多人来往——他们来看加拿大淘金热的起源地。

    Today , people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened .

  2. 人们可以很容易地来往于深圳和香港。

    People can come and go easily between Shenzhen and Hong Kong .

  3. 来往车辆不多,所以我们开得很快。

    There wasn 't much traffic so we made good progress .

  4. 她在来往的车辆中穿来穿去。

    She was weaving in and out of the traffic .

  5. 我们和邻居来往不多。

    We 're not on intimate terms with our neighbours .

  6. 我们党的成员绝不与非法组织有来往。

    We in this party will have no truck with illegal organizations .

  7. 她迅速有效地处理全部来往信件。

    She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently .

  8. 他躲开来往的车辆跑过马路。

    He ran across the road , dodging the traffic .

  9. 公共汽车频繁地来往于市区与机场之间。

    Buses run frequently between the city and the airport .

  10. 他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的傻里傻气的性感女子来往。

    He 's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age .

  11. 每天这个时候总是有很多来往车辆。

    There 's always a lot of traffic at this time of day .

  12. 她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。

    She 's dropped most of her old friends .

  13. 我喜欢和同学来往。

    I enjoy socializing with the other students .

  14. 来往的车辆放缓速度慢慢前行。

    The traffic slowed to a crawl .

  15. 你是否与任何嫌疑人有过私人或业务来往?

    Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects , either personally or professionally ?

  16. 来往车辆缓缓而行。

    The traffic was crawling along .

  17. 对于一天中的那个时间段而言,来往车辆少得有些不寻常。

    Traffic was unusually light for that time of day .

  18. 我走进一家咖啡馆坐下,望着来往的路人。

    I went and sat in a cafe and watched the passers-by .

  19. 他是个喜欢安静、不爱与人来往的人。

    He was a quiet man who kept himself to himself

  20. 波尔多位于巴黎到马德里的铁路主干线上,来往列车频繁。

    Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains

  21. 现在,年轻人的确经常来往于国内各地。

    Young people do move around the country quite a bit these days .

  22. 我的婚姻破裂了。这让我变得孤僻、不愿与人来往。

    My marriage has broken up . It has made me reclusive and unsociable

  23. 她和查尔斯不再跟老朋友们来往,这让她非常苦恼。

    It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends .

  24. 我的丈夫仍在和她来往,而且两人还搞婚外情。

    My husband was still seeing her and he was having an affair with her .

  25. 30岁的乔安娜在她二十几岁的时候大多数时间根本不和父亲来往。

    Joanna , 30 , spent most of her twenties virtually estranged from her father .

  26. 虽然黑人学生与白人学生之间没有公开的敌意,但他们也不怎么来往。

    Although there is no overt hostility , black and white students do not mix much .

  27. 我不打算告诉你。你现在跟上流社会的人来往,我不会说的。

    I 'm not tellin ' you . Not now you 're in with the nobs .

  28. 街上来往的人很多。

    There are many people coming and going on the streets .

  29. 来往车辆嘈杂的声浪使人头痛。

    The clamour of the heavy traffic gave you a headache .

  30. 我们厂和附近村庄经常来往。

    Our factory has frequent contacts with the neighbouring villages .