
  • You who came from the stars
  1. 今年,韩剧《来自星星的你》让炸鸡在禽流感时节大卖,因为剧中女主角说她在初雪时最喜欢吃“炸鸡和啤酒”。

    This year , My Love from the Star boosted sales of fried chicken amid the bird flu crisis , because the female protagonist said she adored " beer and fried chicken " as her favorite food when the first winter snow began to fall .

  2. 而就在今年1月,她为热门韩剧《来自星星的你》录制了主题曲《Goodbye》,从而迎来了演艺生涯的重大突破。

    But her breakthrough came in January , when she released Goodbye , a soundtrack single for the popular drama Man From the Stars .

  3. HB娱乐公司正在与一家中国公司合作,特别针对中国市场制作两部与《来自星星的你》类似的新剧,一部是中文的,一部是韩语的,但都会加上字幕。

    HB Entertainment is partnering with a Chinese company to produce two new dramas similar to " Star " specifically for the Chinese market , one in Chinese and one in Korean with subtitles 。

  4. 这意味着尝试利用韩国的秘密武器,一个让韩国变成流行文化大国的神奇配方:大量打造出在国外广受欢迎的艺人和节目,比如说唱歌手Psy、歌手Rain,以及《来自星星的你》这样的热播剧。

    That has meant trying to tap into South Korea 's secret sauce - the magic formula that has turned the country into a pop-culture juggernaut that churns out viral exports like the singer and rapper Psy , the singer Rain and hits like " My Love From Another Star 。 "

  5. 这很大一部分功劳要归给正热播的韩剧《来自星星的你》。韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came From The Star , the South Korean TV series which is on the air now 。 Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  6. 在旅行过程中,刘丽萍、吴海燕和金美兰计划游览她们最喜欢的电视剧《来自星星的你》中出现过的景观。她们购买了与剧中女主角全智贤(JeonJi-hyun)所穿服装类似的衣服。

    During their trip , Ms. Liu , Ms. Wu and Ms. Jin planned to see the sights featured in their favorite Korean TV show , " My Love From the Star . " They bought clothes like those worn by the show 's female star , Jeon Ji-hyun .

  7. 就以《来自星星的你》为例。

    Take You Who Came From The Star as an example .

  8. 最近播出的日剧中,有哪部能和《来自星星的你》相媲美?

    What 's the last Japanese TV drama that enjoyed the same success as Man From the Stars ?

  9. 而仅仅几周之后,《来自星星的你》主演金秀贤再次风靡中国。

    Only weeks later , Kim Soo-hyun , lead actor in Man From the Stars , swept the country .

  10. 《来自星星的你》和《继承者们》在整个亚洲都是网上热议的话题。

    You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia .

  11. 而《来自星星的你》将外星人和穿越融入到剧情当中,颠覆了韩剧剧情的定式。

    The Man From the Stars challenges this norm by integrating aliens and time travel into these existing narrations .

  12. 但《来自星星的你》大获成功后,中国公司把目光投向了更高的地方。

    But after the success of " My Love From Another Star , " Chinese companies are setting their sights higher .

  13. 在中国,《来自星星的你》引发了炸鸡和啤酒热潮,这两种食品是剧中女主角的最爱。

    In China , the drama triggered a craze for chicken-and-beer , the favorite food combination of the main female character .

  14. 今年初,韩剧《来自星星的你》吸引了众多亚洲观众,自那时起我就一直在思考这个问题。

    I 've been thinking about this since the South Korean TV series captivated a lot of Asian audience earlier this year .

  15. 尽管外星人访问地球这一主题早已用得泛滥,但《来自星星的你》的剧本还是很有逻辑,剧情还是很紧凑的。

    Although aliens visiting Earth is an oft-used theme , You Who Came From The Star 's script remains logical and fast-paced .

  16. 这很大一部分功劳要归给正热播的韩剧《来自星星的你》。

    And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came From The Star , the South Korean TV series which is on the air now .

  17. 因为正在热播的韩剧《来自星星的你》的关系,这一垃圾食品的全新混搭组合尽管有害健康,但还是受到年轻观众的追捧。

    Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on air , Man From the Stars , this new mix-and-match junk food trend has become popular among young audiences , despite its unhealthy nature .

  18. 在《来自星星的你》中,外星人都敏俊和女明星千颂伊即便是接吻,都敏俊都会出现严重的不适。

    In " Star , " when the alien character , Do Min-Joon , and the star actress , Cheon Song-yi , even so much as kiss , Do Min-Joon falls violently ill 。

  19. 另外,《来自星星的你》主人公读的《爱德华的奇妙之旅》一度在亚马逊上一书难求。

    Besides , the book , The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane , read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while .

  20. 特点:他在《来自星星的你》中所饰演的角色可谓上天入地无所不能,具备了穿墙术、读心术以及意念操控等特异功能,从而引发粉丝热议。

    Characteristic : His character in the show has stirred a lot of discussion among fans , with his omnipotent ability to walk through walls , read minds , and engage in psychic interfacing .

  21. 但是《来自星星的你》和《继承者们》改变了这一切,中国导演们应当以此为鉴,以此激励自己提高电视作品的质量。

    But all that has changed with the success of You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs , which Chinese directors can use as examples , as well as inspiration , to improve their productions .

  22. 该次行程包括享用一顿炸鸡配啤酒的晚餐——自从2013年韩剧《来自星星的你》播出后,炸鸡加啤酒在中国成为流行——以及前往电视剧拍摄地。

    The trip included a dinner of fried chicken and beer - a combination that has become popular in China since the 2013 Korean drama My Love from the Star - and visits to locations of the hit drama .

  23. 另外,《来自星星的你》主人公读的《爱德华的奇妙之旅》一度在亚马逊上一书难求。这两部韩剧都具备几个相同的元素:矢志不渝爱护、保护女主角的高富帅男主角,同样深爱这个女人的帅气男二号。

    Besides , the book , The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane , read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while 。 The two TV programs have several common elements : a tall , handsome , and rich hero who loves the heroine blindly and always protects her ,

  24. 来自播放《来自星星的你》的视频网站爱奇艺的数据显示,截止到2月15日,该剧在国内的累计播放量达到3.7亿次,与此同时,电视和新浪微博上五分之四的热点话题都被该剧占据。

    According to iQiyi , a video website that features Man From the Stars , by Feb 15 , the number of views for the TV drama hit a whopping 370 million in China , where the drama claimed four out of five hot topics spots on TV and on Sina Weibo on the same day .