
  • 网络Come to my house;Come to My place
  1. 发现你的腰带已经丢了,来我家吧。

    Realize your belt 's gone , come over to my house .

  2. 恩恩你和艾里克来我家吧

    Why don 't you and Eric come over .

  3. 今晚来我家吧,来看看我是怎么聊天的。

    Will you come to my home tonight ? I will show you how .

  4. 不介意过一会儿来我家吧?

    Would you mind dropping by later ?

  5. 那请你明天来我家吧

    You come by my place tomorrow ?

  6. 哪天带你的孩子来我家吧让我见见他们

    So you should bring the kids by the house sometime so I can meet them .

  7. 京晶:不说这个了,你放完烟花来我家吧。

    Anyways , when you 're done lighting off the fireworks , you can come over to my house .

  8. 好了,大家伙,我想你们都来我家吧,但就到午夜哦,然后你们就都回家。

    OK , everyone . I guess you can all come to my house , but only until midnight ! Then you all have to go home ! Hooray !

  9. 同学乙:那周末你们来我家玩儿吧。

    Classmate B : Then come over to my house this weekend .

  10. 你今晚来我家吃饭吧

    Oh , and you 're coming to dinner tonight .

  11. 我说好的,你来住我家吧。

    I said ok come live at my house .

  12. 礼拜六你来我家吃饭吧!

    Come over for a meal on Saturday .

  13. 今晚来我家吃晚饭吧。

    Come to my house for dinner tonight .

  14. 铃铃铃,电话响了,“来我家吃午饭吧”熊姑姑说。

    " Ring ," went the telephone . " Come to my house for lunch ," said Auntie Bear .

  15. 来我家过感恩节吧!晚餐有火鸡,南瓜派,捣碎的土豆和面粉,还有各种馅。

    Come to my house for Thanksgiving ! We are having turkey , pumpkin pie , mashed potatoes with gravy , and lots of stuffing !

  16. 没关系,亲爱的,他说,明天晚上来我家吃晚饭吧,我做牛排给你吃。

    That 's fine , darling , he said . But come over to my house tomorrow night for dinner , and I 'll make you a steak .

  17. 于是,蓝胡子说:“那么来我家住几天吧,”她们于是到蓝胡子的家里住了下来。

    Then Blue Beard said , " Come and live in my house for some days . " So they went and lived in Blue Beard 's house .