
chēng yāo
  • support;back up;bolster up;back up in behavior;encourage
撑腰 [chēng yāo]
  • [back up in behaviour;encourage;support] 从背后支持,比喻给予有力的支持

  • 撑腰打气

撑腰[chēng yāo]
  1. 三是地方政府的鼓励和撑腰。

    Thirdly is the encouragement and support of local government .

  2. 对方立场非常坚定,估计背后有我们的同行在为其撑腰。

    Party take firm stand owing presumably behind scene support by our competitor .

  3. 有军方撑腰的政府对新闻进行了严格审查。

    The military-backed government has heavily censored the news .

  4. 有人给他撑腰打气,他自然趾高气扬,目中无人了。

    With a lot of people backing him up , he would naturally be giving himself airs and looking down his nose at everybody .

  5. 我有什么能耐呀,全靠各位撑腰呢!

    What could I do without you people backing me up ?

  6. 有他给你撑腰,你还怕什么?

    He 's backing you up , so what 's there to fear ?

  7. 最后,请大家记住CC的一句话:小善事随手做,全世界给你撑腰!

    Do small good things at any time , and you have the whole world backing you up !

  8. 该公司上月同意以2.5亿美元收购南非一家从事铀矿及金矿业务的公司&RandUranium。有了中方低成本资金的撑腰,达成新交易想必指日可待。

    It agreed last month to buy Rand Uranium , a South African uranium and gold company , for $ 250m . Backed by low cost financing from Beijing , other deals will probably not be far off .

  9. 在此期间,医疗保险公司Anthem、美国钢铁公司(USSteel)、西屋电气(WestinghouseElectric)、以及医疗器械集团美敦力(Medtronic)遭到了美国官员认为有中国政府撑腰的黑客攻击。

    In the same period , companies such as health insurer Anthem , US Steel , Westinghouse Electric and medical device group Medtronic suffered what are believed by Washington officials to be state-sponsored hacks by China .

  10. 然而,尽管有政府撑腰(李家祥现任行业监管机构民航总局(CAAC)局长),但该公司一直难以壮大。

    But despite having all the might of the state behind it ( Mr Li now heads the industry regulator , the CAAC ), the airline has struggled for traction .

  11. 另外两家民营航空公司吉祥航空(juneyao)和春秋航空(spring)虽然去年摆脱了亏损,但面对有政府撑腰的国有大型航空公司的激烈竞争,它们也难以扩大业务。

    Two other private carriers , Juneyao and spring , were able to stay out of the red last year but have still struggled to expand their business in the face of intense competition from the state-owned giants , which have the government to back them up .

  12. 据此,许多政客被控告为这些强盗团伙背后撑腰。

    Some politicians have been accused of being behind the bandits .

  13. 我当时正在被人欺负,而你应该为我撑腰!

    I was being insulted and you should have defended me !

  14. 你怎敢如此说?是谁在替你撑腰?

    How dare you say so ? Who is backing you up ?

  15. 几个富豪家族为那个政权撑腰。

    Several rich families have propped up the regime .

  16. 太无耻了,还不是因为有臭名昭著的文强在后面给她撑腰!

    How shameless ! That becauses of the infamous Wenqiang gave her backing !

  17. 赛琳娜:后面撑腰的人?

    Selena : Those bringing up the rear ?

  18. 没了政府撑腰,私人企业掏起钱来心不甘情不愿。

    Without strong government backing , the private sector was loth to fork out .

  19. 嬷嬷一向是喜欢他并给他撑腰的,现在她一皱眉,韦德就发抖了。

    Mammy had always been wade 's mainstay and her frown made him tremble .

  20. 他后面一定有人在撑腰。

    There must be someone at his back .

  21. 我有熊爪撑腰

    I have a bear claw in me .

  22. (最让吴昌俊感到沮丧的,是如何保护他的专利不被有律师撑腰的模仿者盗用。)

    ( Ng 's greatest frustration is protecting his patent against aggressively lawyered-up imitators . )

  23. 一旦有人撑腰,这帮家伙就变得胆大包天。

    Now that they were backed up , these fellows became audacious in the extreme .

  24. 树枝靠树干撑腰。

    Branches are backed by tree trunk .

  25. 你哥哥是在为雪利撑腰吗?

    Is your brother covering for sherry ?

  26. 女朋友们帮对方说话,撑腰。

    Girlfriends sticking up for each other .

  27. 谁为溢油索赔撑腰

    Who can Back the Oil-spill Claim

  28. 他要利用统计数字,正如醉汉之利用电灯柱&非为借光,实为撑腰。

    He uses statistics as a drunken man use lamp-post for support rather than for illumination .

  29. 有了中方低成本资金的撑腰,达成新交易想必指日可待。

    Backed by low cost financing from Beijing , other deals will probably not be far off .

  30. 我不能锁门,他们有警察撑腰

    I can 't lock the gates , and they 've got the police on their side .