首页 / 词典 / good

  • prop up;support;push or move with a pole;maintain
  • brace;stay
  • 支着,支持:~竿跳。支~。~持(勉强支持)。~腰(喻给予有力支持)。~拒。~门面。

  • 用篙使船前进:~船。

  • 使张开:~伞。~口袋。

  • 使保持张开状态的器物:~子。~圈(quān )。

  • 饱胀到容不下的程度:吃~着了。口袋~破了。


(抵住; 托住) prop up; support:

  • 撑住屋顶

    prop up a roof;

  • 两手撑着下巴

    hold one's chin in one's hands;

  • 四根柱子撑着顶篷。

    Four pillars support the ceiling.


(用篙使船行进) push or move with a pole:

  • 撑船

    pole a boat; punt


(支持) maintain; keep up:

  • 他撑不住, 笑了。

    He could not help laughing.


(张开) open; unfurl:

  • 撑伞

    open an umbrella;

  • 把麻袋口撑开

    hold open the sack


(饱满; 胀满) fill to the point of bursting:

  • 别装得太多, 把口袋撑破了。

    Don't stuff the sack too full or it'll burst.

  • 我肚子有点撑。

    I'm rather full.


{机} (支撑物) brace; stay:

  • 角撑

    corner brace

  1. 先有量,再有质,有了量才能撑起产业的规模,才有可能产生精品。

    Volume first , then a qualitative , with the volume in order to prop up the size of the industry , was possible quality .

  2. 小卖部的零食被我吃了个遍,然后撑在床上不想动,也没打电话过去,我再也无力去挽留了。

    I took all the sock of the buffet , then I just prop up at bed , didn 't want to move , and also didn 't to phone , I was unable to go to urge to stay again .

  3. 我觉得那根树枝撑不住你的重量。

    I don 't think that branch will hold your weight .

  4. 我吃得太多,肚子快要撑破了。

    I 've eaten so much I 'm fit to burst .

  5. 你只好硬着头皮撑到底了。

    You 're just going to have to tough it out .

  6. 这家公司撑过了最近股价的动荡。

    The company has survived the recent upset in share prices .

  7. 她用手一撑跃过栅栏门沿着小路跑去。

    She vaulted over the gate and ran up the path .

  8. 我吃巧克力蛋糕都撑到嗓子眼儿了。

    I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake .

  9. 你不会又把一条裤子撑破了吧!

    Don 't tell me you 've split another pair of pants !

  10. 在铁弓撑起的塑料棚下种植生菜。

    Grow lettuces under plastic stretched over wire hoops .

  11. 我紧紧抓住椅子撑着身体。

    I clutched on to the chair for support .

  12. 她单肘撑起身子。

    She propped herself up on one elbow .

  13. 冰箱满得都快撑破了。

    The fridge is stuffed to bursting .

  14. 这件毛衣给撑得变形了。

    This sweater has stretched .

  15. 她双手撑地跪在地上。

    She got down on her hands and knees on the floor

  16. 她打了个滚,然后用胳膊肘把自己撑了起来。

    She rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows .

  17. 他将摩托车撑脚架往上一提,开始蹬车启动。

    He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it .

  18. 一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。

    One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places

  19. 不管怎么样,我们还是勉强撑过来了。

    Somehow or other , we muddled our way through .

  20. 乔伊丝坐在那里,十指相扣撑着下巴。

    Joyce sits with her fingers interlocked under her chin .

  21. 他的经济实力可以撑过这次房地产市场萧条期。

    He can afford to sit out the property slump .

  22. 我建议大家捡足够多的木柴来撑过这一晚。

    I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night

  23. 裙架撑起的三层大裥裙从她的纤腰上款款垂下。

    From her tiny waist a crinolined skirt cascaded in three deep tiers .

  24. 他的双肘撑在满是油污的柜台上。

    He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter .

  25. 他双手撑着头,陷入了沉思。

    He had been resting his head in his hands , deep in thought .

  26. 亚历克斯从沙发上撑扶着站了起来。

    Alex levered himself up from the sofa .

  27. 他们本不可能撑完整场比赛的。

    They wouldn 't have lasted the full game

  28. 她站起来,双手撑在桌子上,身体向前倾。

    She stood up and leaned forward with her hands pressing down on the desk .

  29. 她用一只胳膊肘撑起身体。

    She raised herself on one elbow .

  30. 我几乎撑过了这两个星期。我只有几天时间去做。

    I almost lasted the two weeks . I only had a couple of days to do .