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  • Girl;child
  • 方言,小孩儿:小~。阿~。~~(对小孩儿的亲热称呼)。


[方] (小孩儿) child:

  • 男 [女] 小囡

    a little boy[girl]

  1. 敏囡,你不拍张照片了吗?

    Mi-nam , you 're not taking a picture ?

  2. 乔第一次同警察打交道是囡超速而被拦住。

    Being stopped for speeding was jo 's first brush with the law .

  3. 查某囡仔嘛应该抹银色眼影参跤踢平底鞋,杂志建议。

    Girls should also add silver eye shadow and step into platform shoes , the magazines advise .

  4. 弗洛迪和弗洛西在这里呆的时间相对要长些,因为囡的伯特已经长大,不再满足于这种简单的游戏。

    Flossie and Freddie played there more than did Nan and Bert , who were growing too old for games of that sort .

  5. 有跳舞嘛有音乐演奏毋恪卡特别耶是以画彩色耶图为主,嘛有请各年纪耶学生囡仔去参加。

    It will feature dance and musical performances but the main theme will be color painting , and students of different age groups are also invited to participate .

  6. 通过地浸砂岩型铀矿的成囡分类、与油气藏的关系及其与油气藏异同点的分析对比,总结出几种典型油气藏上方的放射性异常模式。

    This paper presents the classfication of sandstone-type uranium deposits , the similarities and differences between uranium ores and oil-gas accumulation , and summarizes several typical radioactive abnormality models over oil-gas field .

  7. 她是一个瘦小的囡亻,结婚三、四年生下了二个孩子,使她纤弱的双肩弯了下来了。

    She was a slight thing , and when she had been married for three or four years , and after the two children were born , her slender shoulders became stooped .

  8. 三个傣族村寨村民利用的野生蔬菜有228种,分属于75个科,其中曼安村寨147种,曼伞村寨144种,曼广囡村寨105种。

    A total of228 plant species belonging to75 families was recorded that used by local people as wild vegetable , among which , 147 for Man'an , 144 for Mansan and105 for Manguangnan were recorded .