首页 / 词典 / good

  • build;pitch;put up;make up;hang over;put over
  • 支;架设;用棍棒等东西交接捆扎起来:~建。~盖。~制。~桥。~救。~架子。

  • 共同抬:把桌子~起来。

  • 交接,配合:~配。~伙。~档。~售。~伴。~帮。~腔。~话。~界。~讪。

  • 乘车船等:~车。~船。~客。~载。

  • 方言,指处、地方:这~儿。


(支; 架设) put up; build:

  • 搭浮桥

    put up a pontoon bridge;

  • 搭临时戏台

    put up a temporary theatrical stage;

  • 搭帐篷

    pitch a tent;

  • 小鸟们在忙着搭窝。

    The birds are busy building their nests.


(把柔软的东西放在可以支架的东西上) hang over; put over:

  • 把洗好的衣服搭在竹竿上

    hang the washing on a bamboo pole;

  • 他肩膀上搭着一块毛巾。

    He had a towel over his shoulder.


(连接在一起) come into contact; join:

  • 搭上关系

    strike up a relationship with; establish contact with;

  • 前言不搭后语

    speak incoherently; mumble disconnected phrases;

  • 那两根电线搭上了。

    The two wires are touching.


(凑上;加上) throw in more (people, money, etc.); add:

  • 你忙不过来, 给你搭个人吧。

    You're terribly busy. We'll send someone to help you.

  • 这笔钱搭上还不够。

    It won't be enough even with this sum thrown in.


(共同抬起) lift sth. together:

  • 帮我把这个箱子搭到桌子上。

    Help me lift the chest up on the table.

  • 请把桌子搭到楼上去。

    Please carry the desk upstairs.


(乘; 坐) take (a ship, plane, etc.); travel [go] by:

  • 搭长途汽车

    travel by coach;

  • 搭飞机

    go by plane;

  • 搭轮船去大连

    go to Dalian by boat;

  • 能让我搭你的车到前面那个村子吗?

    Could you give me a lift to the next village?

  1. 他们搭好帐篷,准备过夜。

    They put up their tents and settled down for the night .

  2. 他自己动手能力太差,甚至连搭个架子都不会。

    He 's useless at DIY . He won 't even put up a shelf .

  3. 我们匆匆搭了个棚子过夜。

    We managed to rig up a shelter for the night .

  4. 他们用旧木条搭了一个简陋的窝棚。

    They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood .

  5. 我们四处查看,想找一个搭帐篷的地方。

    We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent .

  6. 你得使这些木片像鱼鳞片似的搭叠起来。

    You will need to overlap the pieces of wood slightly .

  7. 他把外衣搭在座椅背上。

    He draped his coat over the back of the chair .

  8. 戴维帮我们在后院搭了个棚子。

    David built us a shed in the back yard .

  9. 地板用一张搭着一张的报纸保护着。

    The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper .

  10. 我们用木板和砖头临时搭了些架子。

    We improvised some shelves out of planks of wood and bricks .

  11. 他们希望能草草搭成一个临时安置区。

    They hope to be able to patch together a temporary settlement .

  12. 我们决定搭帐篷过夜。

    We decided to set up camp for the night .

  13. 你搭我的便车去车站好吗?

    Can I give you a ride to the station ?

  14. 他们用败落下的枯树枝搭了个窝棚。

    They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches .

  15. 他的妻子发现他和另一个女人勾勾搭搭。

    His wife found out he 'd been carrying on with another woman .

  16. 我们可以临时把帐篷搭在那块地上。

    We could pitch our tent in that field .

  17. 他随意地将手臂搭在她的双肩上。

    His arm was draped casually around her shoulders .

  18. 我可以搭你的车到商业区去吗?

    Can you give me a lift into town ?

  19. 他们在树林里为自己搭了个窝,在里面玩。

    They made themselves a den in the woods .

  20. 伊恩把一只手搭在她的肩上。

    Ian placed a hand on her shoulder .

  21. 天正下着瓢泼大雨,所以我领了他的情,搭了他的便车。

    It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift .

  22. 我们借搭便车在欧洲各地旅行了一个夏天。

    We spent the summer hitching around Europe .

  23. 他把手搭在她的肩上。

    He placed his hand on her shoulder .

  24. 她搭便车去车站。

    She hitched a ride to the station .

  25. 我们没赶上公共汽车,就设法搭了一辆便车去城里。

    We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus .

  26. 一定不要让金属线搭在一起。

    Make sure the wires don 't touch .

  27. 我截住乔的车搭了一段路。

    I snagged a ride from Joe .

  28. 我很想搭你的车回家,如果这不叫你绕路的话。

    I 'd love a ride home ─ if it 's not out of your way .

  29. 他们搭了便车。

    They hitched a lift .

  30. 他们一路搭便车周游欧洲。

    They hitchhiked around Europe .