首页 / 词典 / good

  • term;section;sum;nape
  • 颈的后部,泛指脖子:颈~。~链。~缩(缩脖子,形容羞怯、畏缩的样子)。强~。

  • 量词,分类的条目,:~目。事~。

  • 钱款,经费:款~。进~。存~。

  • 数学用语,代数式中不用加、减号连接的单式,如“4ax2”。

  • 姓。


(颈的后部) nape (of the neck):

  • 颈项



(款项) sum (of money):

  • 进项


  • 欠项


  • 用项

    items of expenditure; expenditures


{数}(不用加、减号连接的单式) term:

  • 同类项

    similar terms;

  • 外项

    extreme term


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 项羽

    Xiang Yu



  • 八项原则

    eight principles;

  • 第五条第二款第三项

    article 5, clause 2, item 3;

  • 一项一项地进行解释

    explain item by item;

  • 还有一项工作要做。

    There is another job to do.

  • 造林是一项重大任务。

    Afforestation is a matter of vital importance.

  1. 项丛刺对急性脑梗死患者外周血浆ET含量的影响

    Influence of Nape Cluster Acupuncture on Peripheral Serum ET Content in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction

  2. 项针能明显提高假性延髓麻痹病人血清VEGF和TGF-β1水平。

    Nape needle can enhance the levels of VEGF and TGF - β _1 in the patients ' serum .

  3. 公司认为该项投资是财政上的一个大黑洞。

    The company viewed the venture as a financial black hole .

  4. 这项工程现在仍然给他带来许多的麻烦。

    The project is still causing him a lot of problems .

  5. 科学家已告诫人类慎重对待这项技术。

    Scientists have sounded a note of caution on the technique .

  6. 我毫不犹豫地推荐她做这项工作。

    I have no hesitation in recommending her for the job .

  7. 是谁决定继续这项工程的?

    Who took the decision to go ahead with the project ?

  8. 此项研究是整个研究计划的基础。

    This study is the cornerstone of the whole research programme .

  9. 这是一项旨在使损耗减至最低的新生产技术。

    It was a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage .

  10. 这部电影荣获九项奥斯卡金像奖,包括最佳影片奖。

    The movie won nine Academy Awards , including Best Picture .

  11. 这项冠军的重要程度可与奥运会冠军媲美。

    This title ranks alongside the Olympics in terms of importance .

  12. 这项计划的成败取决于你。

    The success or failure of the plan depends on you .

  13. 我们转包给了一家小型工程公司去干那项工作。

    We subcontracted a small engineering firm to do the work .

  14. 这项工作必须在一定期限内完成。

    The work must be completed within a certain time limit .

  15. 将设立一项最具创意设计奖。

    There will be a prize for the most innovative design .

  16. 学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  17. 我们最终达成一项各方都能接受的协议。

    We have finally reached an agreement acceptable to all sides .

  18. 当地居民团体已联合起来反对这项计划。

    Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan .

  19. 我们拼命地干,好按时完成这项工作。

    We worked like crazy to get it done on time .

  20. 他们坚持要就这项工作立一份合同。

    They were insistent on having a contract for the work .

  21. 面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。

    We won the contract in the face of stiff competition .

  22. 此项训练包括伸展和收缩腿部肌肉。

    The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles .

  23. 这项工作将来再做。

    The work will be carried out at a future date .

  24. 这项新法律对成人和孩子同等对待。

    The new law makes no distinction between adults and children .

  25. 这项研究意味着要耗费大量的时间和精力。

    This study represents a major expenditure of time and effort .

  26. 这项调查显示,英国人的幽默是首屈一指的。

    In the survey the Brits come out tops for humour .

  27. 从实际的角度来看,这项法律可能难以执行。

    In practical terms this law may be difficult to enforce .

  28. 大量的工作已投入到这项工程。

    A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project .

  29. 干这项工作你得会说法语。

    You must be able to speak French for this job .

  30. 我们的首项任务是架设通信系统。

    Our first task is to set up a communications system .