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  1. 例:中国“健康扶贫工程”是继“希望工程”后的一项国这级扶贫项目。

    The Anti-Poverty , Health in China project is a national one like the Hope Project .

  2. 每个机构着想维持其项目并获得项国经费,都需要最低程度的立法支持。

    Every agency needs a minimum degree of legislative support if it is to maintain its programs and obtain funding for them .

  3. 该政府正鼎力支持这项联合国计划。

    The administration is throwing its full weight behind the UN plan .

  4. 其中工业无线网络WIA-PA(WirelessNetworksforIndustrialAutomation-ProcessAutomation)技术是一项我国具有自主知识产权的工业无线网络技术。

    WIA-PA ( Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation-Process Automation ) technology is one of the industrial wireless network technologies with independent intellectual property .

  5. 突显它们继续支持阿萨德政权的一个举动是,两国周四否决了西方国家支持的一项联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)决议,该决议案要求叙利亚政府从居民区撤出部队,否则就将实施制裁。

    Underlining their continued support for the regime , they vetoed a western-backed UN Security Council resolution yesterday that would have imposed sanctions on the government and forced it to pull troops out of populated areas .

  6. 她说,如果俄罗斯寻求的、旨在结束叙利亚暴力局面的一项联合国新决议草案没有强制的有效措施的话,决议草案将毫无意义,因为叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)将对此视若无睹。

    A new United Nations resolution sought by Russia and aimed at ending the violence in Syria would be pointless if it had ' no teeth , ' as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would ignore it , she said .

  7. 他说这个研究基于一项联合国教科文组织调查

    He claims it 's done based on a UNESCO study .

  8. 药品资格预审规划是由世卫组织管理的一项联合国规划。

    PQP is a United Nations programme managed by WHO .

  9. 这项联合国研究还表示,男女应该平等对待。

    The UN study also says that women and men should be treated equally .

  10. 美国支持这项联合国到2015年全球贫困减半的千年发展目标。

    The United States supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to halve global poverty by 2015 .

  11. 预计将有一百多个国家签署这项联合国公约。

    The United Nation 's convention is expected to be signed by more than one hundred nations .

  12. 一项联合国的研究表明,笼罩在南亚上空的一块厚厚的污染云威胁着上百万人的生命。

    A United Nations study says a thick cloud of pollution covering southern Asia threatens the lives of millions of people .

  13. 美国投票反对一项联合国决议,该决议以压倒性优势获得通过,谴责美国对古巴的29年经济禁运。

    The United States has a UN resolution that overwhelmingly condemned the American economic embargo of Cuba for the 29th year .

  14. 在环境改变上的一项联合国调查预计在未来的30年喜马拉雅山会损失80%的冰川。

    UN commission on climate change predicts the Himalayan Mountains will lose eighty percent of their glaciers in thirty years to come .

  15. 经济责任审计是一项我国特有的审计工作,与我国社会主义市场经济体制改革密切相关。

    Economic responsibility auditing is a unique auditing work in China , and it 's closely related to our socialist market economic system .

  16. 同时,巴西正在同其他国家合作,共同起草一项联合国大会决议,要求保障民众的隐私和电子通讯。

    Meanwhile Brazil 's now working with other countries to draft UN general assembly resolution guarantee people 's privacy , and electronic communications .

  17. 伊朗总统说,西方不愿伊朗就去年11月达成的一项联合国协议的反建议,伊朗将决心自行生产高纯度的浓缩铀。

    Iran 's president says his country is resolved to produce its own highly enriched uranium if the West is unwilling to accept Iran 's counter-proposal to a U.N.deal worked out last November .

  18. 在出台成年子女须定期探望年迈父母这一法律大约一个月后,中国决策者开始考虑通过立法鼓励另一项被国人忽视的活动:阅读。

    Roughly a month after passing a law requiring adults to regularly visit their elderly parents , Chinese policy makers are considering legislation to encourage another activity the country 's people have neglected : reading .

  19. 但美国政府反驳称,这种含糊的声明不能保证伊朗停止铀浓缩&伊朗进行铀浓缩活动将违反5项联合国决议,并可能用于制造核武器。

    But the White House countered that the vague announcement provided no guarantee that Iran would stop enriching uranium , a process that breaks five United Nations resolutions and could be used to make nuclear weapons .

  20. 这项代表同盟国的委讬关系至今仍然有效。

    Such trust on behalf of the Allied Powers remains in effect today .

  21. 有效保障大学生的就业,是一项关乎我国长治久安、持续发展的战略举措。

    The employment of graduates is related to our long-term stability policy and sustainable strategic development .

  22. 我国检察监督制度是关于检察机关专门行使国家法律监督权的法律制度,它是一项被我国宪法确认的国家基本法律制度,也是我国政治制度的重要组成部分。

    The procuratorial supervision system is legal system that procuratorial institution special executives national legal supervision power .

  23. 户籍制度是一项涉及我国公民生活各个方面的一项重要的制度。

    Household registration system is one of the most important systems that involved in many aspects of our citizens .

  24. 为加强协调,世卫组织全力参与了八项“联合国一体化”试点项目。

    In the interest of better coordination , WHO is participating fully in the eight " one UN " pilot projects .

  25. 国际工程承包项目是一项涉及所在国政治、经济、法律、社会和自然环境等多方面因素影响的系统工程,其高风险性已成为业内人士的共识。

    The international engineering contract is a systematic engineering , and the high risks are already approved by people in this industry .

  26. 我国数十万军人为亚太地区提供安全,这项任务我国军队已承担了几代人的时间。

    Hundreds of thousands of our servicemen and women provide the region with security – a task that our military has shouldered for generations .

  27. 自20世纪中叶以来,重点大学政策已经成为一项影响我国高等教育结构与发展格局的重要教育政策。

    Since 1950s ', Chinese key universities policy has become a vitally contributive policy which influences the structure and development outset of our higher education .

  28. 预计,潘基文将于星期三抵达缅甸,并和缅甸领导人举行会谈,然后再返回泰国,参加星期六举行的一项国际捐助国会议。

    He is expected to arrive Wednesday to meet with the country 's leaders , before returning to Thailand to attend an international donor 's meeting on Saturday .

  29. 这项(联合国大会)决议将未能兑现安南和平计划的责任归咎于阿萨德总统,还威胁制裁阿萨德总统。

    The proposals would have held President Assad responsible for his failure to honor Mr. Annan 's peace plan . They would have also threatened the president with sanctions .

  30. 燃煤工业锅炉排放的粉尘及SO2是造成大气污染的主要因素之一,湿法脱硫除尘技术是一项适合我国国情的实用技术。

    Dust and SO2 emitted by coal-combustion industrial boilers are among main factors responsible for atmospheric pollution . The wet process sweetening dedusting technique is one of practical techniques suitable for Chinese circumstances .