
  • 网络elevation;High starting
  1. 城堡建在一块高起的土地上。

    The castle is built on rising ground .

  2. 山在远处渐渐高起。

    The hills rise in the distance .

  3. 地面在那边高起。

    The ground rises over there .

  4. 也随着化石能源价格的高起,人类将面临新一轮能源的选择与挑战。

    With the high fossil energy piece , the human will face a new round chance and challenge .

  5. 美国媒体对美国国内债务高起,军事预支出奇高的情况紧张兮兮。

    The US media are making nervous situation for raising the debt seiling and maintaining the terrible big military budget .

  6. 在瑞典阿比斯库国家公园,分外显眼的红色秋木与高起的雪山形成鲜明对比。

    The intensely red autumnal trees in Sweden 's Abisko National Park contrast starkly with the snowcapped mountains rising above them .

  7. 当这道围墙高起接天的时候,我的真我便被高墙的黑影遮断不见了。

    and as this wall goes up into the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in its dark shadow .

  8. 星星渐稀,天上罩着一层似云又似雾的灰气,暗淡,可是比以前高起许多去。

    The stars grew fainter and the sky , shrouded by a murkiness that could have been clouds or mist , seemed much higher than before .

  9. 他们是真正的巴布亚人,身材高大,体格魁伟,前额宽大高起,鼻子粗大,但不扁平,牙齿洁白。

    They obviously were true Papuans , men of fine stock , athletic in build , forehead high and broad , nose large but not flat , teeth white .

  10. 正午,船副来测太阳高度的时候,我望见阿化斯群山的高峰,一层一层地高起,绝顶是峻峭的山峰。

    At noon , while the chief officer was taking the sun 's altitude , I spotted the summits of the Arfak Mountains , rising in terraces and ending in sharp peaks .

  11. 从山羊身上挤奶,我们就要让它们站在一个高起的长长的平台上。

    To milk the goats , we had to get them onto a long , raised platform , which was built with feeding troughs on one side so the goats could eat while being milked .

  12. 交流传动机车具有高起动力、大持续功率和完善功率区的优点,具有较高的使用价值和经济效益,一些交流传动机车已在铁路系统投入运营并有望取代直流传动机车的趋势。

    AC-transmission has the advantage of big starting strength , great continuous power and perfect power area , so a large amount of AC-transmission locomotives have been invested in rail system , with tendency of replacing AC-transmission locomotives .

  13. 应从降低税率、少税种、高起征点等方面完善我国的税收制度,为中小企业的发展创造有利条件。

    In this paper , lowering tax-rates , reducing tax categories , and increasing taxation starting-points are suggested to perfect taxation system of our country so as to establish various favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  14. 球高高飞起,在空中画了一条弧线。

    The ball looped high up in the air .

  15. 风把浪刮得高高耸起。

    The wind blew the waves into great peaks .

  16. PDC钻头具有钻进时间长、机械钻速高、起下钻次数少等特点,使用PDC钻头可大大提高钻井速度。

    PDC bit have advantages of high penetrate rate , long bit life which saving tripping times so that the application of PDC bit can improve drilling efficiency .

  17. 2002年澳洲一级方程式赛车比赛上,威廉姆斯车队的RalfSchumacher的赛车高高飞起,几乎将巴西车手RubensBarrichello的法拉利轧平。

    Williams driver Ralf Schumacher gets off to a flyer in the2002 Australian Grand Prix and almost flattens the Ferrari of Brazilian Rubens Barrichello .

  18. 实验表明,由PIC16F877和LM629建立的底层控制系统,具有控制精度高、起停速度快、同步性好等特点。

    Experiment reveals that higher reliability and control precision of control system based on PIC16F877 and LM629 are available .

  19. 在我国信用制度不发达的前提下,REITs的推出一方面可以降低房地产开发商和投资性购房者的投机性,从而对目前的高空置率和高房价起到一定程度的抑制作用;

    Base on the fact that our country 's credit system is undeveloped , the introduction of REITs can reduce the speculativeness of participator of real estate market , and restrain the high vacancy rate and foam of real estate market .

  20. 从两方面分析表明,PDC钻头的技术性能具有牙轮钻头无法比拟的优越性,并具有机械钻速高、起下钻时间少、能够降低钻井成本等优点。

    According to the technical and economic analysis results , it was indicated that the PDC bit is of these advantages as high penetration rate , short trip time and low drilling cost , etc. , with which the roller bit can not compare .

  21. 给出了高精度起偏系统和检偏系统的光路结构。

    The optical structure of high precision polarization system and polarization detection system are presented .

  22. 那高高拱起的车顶、倾斜的大灯以及亲民的个性,都让老甲壳虫的车迷们兴奋不已。

    The high arched roofline , sloping headlights , and approachable personality thrilled old Beetle fans .

  23. 她的声音又高了起去。

    Her voice was rising again .

  24. 球高高飞起越过门将库尔图瓦头顶进球啦

    The ball flies up , over Courtois ' head . Cross the line , line . Goal !

  25. 向全世界高高昂起你的头,让他们看到你内在得美丽。

    Hold your head up high and face the world , let them see the beauty that is inside .

  26. 她把头高高昂起,好像是一根长钉穿到她微微泛白的头发订到脊柱上似的。

    She holds her head up as if a spike ran from her grizzled black hair to the base of her spine .

  27. 此外,黄海暖流引起的上升流和垂直混合搅拌驱动的底层补充所输入的营养盐也对生产力的高值起到一定的增强作用。

    In addition , the bottom nutrients from upwelling and vertical mixing caused by Yellow Sea Warm Current also played a certain role in enhancing the productivity .

  28. 现场试验表明,钻机功率利用率高,起升速度快;反转制动特性减轻了带刹车的载荷;

    Field test shows that , this rig is characterized by high power utilization ratio , high hoisting speed , less load on the belt brake , and high capability of dealing with accidents .

  29. 为适应海洋资源开发的需要,大型起重吊装设备需求量剧增,起重能力越来越高,起重吨位加大,臂长加长。

    Today , in order to meet the needs of the development of marine resources , large hoisting equipment demand surge . The lifting capacity is increasing higher : the hoisting tonnage and arm increase .

  30. 根据准最优原则得出运动性指标中对生理性指标按影响大小排序依次为跳远、跑、投沙包、摸高、起坐。

    According to the quasi-optimal principle , the ordinal arrangement of the degree of the sport indexes upon physiological indexes is as follows : broad jump , running , throwing sandbags , touching high goals , and sit-ups .