
  • 网络POSITION;positioning;project positioning;project orientation
  1. 房地产市场营销管理一般包括市场调查、项目定位、推广策划、销售执行等,一方面营销过程的分析、计划、组织和控制,缺一不可。

    The real estate marketing management generally includes market survey , project orientation , spreading plan , sales executing and so on .

  2. 指标体系确定后,基于模糊综合评判建立了商业地产项目定位决策模型。

    After established the evaluation index system , this article established the project orientation decision-making model which based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  3. 本文主要研究NY集团废旧汽车回收项目定位与运营。

    This article mainly study to the position and operation of the project of recycling the used-automobiles of NY corporation .

  4. 其次,对房地产项目定位的定义、方法、原则、过程、分析体系以及项目的风险及应对策略进行了讨论,提出了项目可行性分析和SWOT分析的内容。

    Secondly , this essay discusses the definition , methods , principle , process and analysis system of the project positioning , analyzes the risk of the project and put forward project feasibility analysis and SWOT analysis .

  5. 研究了住宅物业发展过程中的客户定位和产品定位,提出了SWOT分析模型、地产因子比较分析方法和房价收入比预测模型,较系统地研究了项目定位的技术和程序。

    The paper discusses the customer targeting and product orienting . It proposes the SWOT aided decision model , land factor comparative analysis and the forecasting model based the proportion between price and income . It studies the technique and procedure of project positioning .

  6. 项目定位为城市中心区的高尚住宅社区。

    Project positioned as the city center of luxurious residential community .

  7. 杭州市智残人托管中心建设项目定位与评价

    The Orientation and Evaluation of the Retarded Trust Centre Construction Project in Hangzhou

  8. 商业地产及其项目定位研究

    Research on Commercial Real Estate and Positioning

  9. 论房地产项目定位

    Discussion of Orientation on Real Estate Item

  10. 采购项目定位模型研究

    On Decision Model of Purchasing Project

  11. 住宅项目定位方法研究

    Research on Residential Project Positioning

  12. 笔者试图从市场调研、项目定位、产品规划这三个前营销的主要环节入手对其进行研究。

    The author tries to consult from three fields of marketing inquisition , item orientation and product plan .

  13. 对娄底物流中心进行规划设计:从项目定位、项目功能、项目模式选择、项目布局、项目规模、信息平台建设作了阐述;

    Planned Loudi Logistic Center from information platform construction and from position , distribution , dimension and function of the projects .

  14. 柳江化石智人的身高杭州市智残人托管中心建设项目定位与评价

    ESTIMATION OF THE STATURE OF LIUJIANG PALEOLITHIC MAN The Orientation and Evaluation of the Retarded Trust Centre Construction Project in Hangzhou

  15. 把这一项目定位在城市新娱乐节点空间的营造上,正是基于城市设计形态理论的研究。

    The orientation of this project as the creation of new entertainment place is based on the form theory research of urban design .

  16. 不过,商业地产市场存在着许多盲目开发、空置率高和盈利能力低等问题。这些问题的产生,很大程度上是由于缺乏科学的项目定位。

    However , there are many blind development and high vacancy rate and low earning capacity which is caused by scientific project positioning .

  17. 从项目定位、规划构思、单体概念设计等几个方面分别进行阐述。

    Starting from the project location , planning design , architecture form design , the article elaborates the relation between architects and environment .

  18. 服饰批发市场商业项目定位过程中所涉及的利益主体比较多,因此增加了项目的难度和不确定因素。

    In the process of commercial projects orientation in apparel wholesale market involve more stakeholders , thus increase difficulty and uncertainty of the project .

  19. 研究总部园区项目定位和功能定位,功能区划分及面积分配,并对总部园区规划建设理念进行分析。

    To analyze function location and function area partition and area distribution , and give some advice to the architecture design principles of headquarter park .

  20. 确定影响项目定位的主要因素,最主要的影响项目市场定位的因素有消费者需求、开发企业自身条件及外部环境三项,三个主要影响因素又由不同的因素构成;

    Identify the main factors affecting the project positioning , they are the consumer demand 、 the development of their own conditions and external environment .

  21. 研究表明:1、项目定位不准确,是影响项目发展最重要的因数。

    Studies have shown : 1 . Event orientation is not accurate , this is the most important factor to effect the development . 2 .

  22. 文章先对房地产项目定位理论进行了分析,指出项目定位要以市场调研分析为指导。

    This article firstly analyzed the real estate project positioning theory , and pointed out that the project positioning should consider market research analysis as guide .

  23. 最后,以某商业地产为例,对该商业地产的项目定位方案进行了比选,说明了该模型的可操作性。

    Finally , take a commercial real estate project for example , through to have the selection of the project orientation scheme showed the operability of the model .

  24. 随后,根据项目定位和公司历年来的成本管理经验数据,运用类比估算法得出鲁邦广场项目的估算成本。

    Then , according to the orientation of the project and historical cost management data of the company , using the method of comparing and evaluating it decides the appraisal cost .

  25. 目前,国内理论界对商业房地产的研究、经验积累须做进一步探索,商业房地产项目定位模型研究尚属空白。

    At present , it is necessary for the theoretical study of commercial real estate and experience accumulation to further explore ; there are no positioning models for commercial real estate projects .

  26. 房地产规划设计必须以人为本,必须符合项目定位,充分考虑将来物业管理的方便,必须完善配套设施。

    Real estate planning design must put more emphasis on persons , must put itself in a proper place , must consider the convenience of property management and must perfect the subsidiary equipment .

  27. 该项目定位恰当,规模适中,而且在开发经营上具有较强的抗风险能力,在市场上具有明显的竞争优势,在发展上有较大潜力。

    The project is in proper scale , and its strong anti-risk ability in both development and operation , can give itself a clear competitive advantage in the market and greater potential in the development .

  28. 目前,国内商业房地产发展迅速,但也存在很多问题,因项目定位的不准确,导致投资额巨大的商业地产开发项目失败不乏其例。

    At present , the domestic commercial real estate development is rapid , but there are also many problems , because the marketing positioning of the project is not accurate , lead to some huge commercial real estate investment projects fail .

  29. 研发人员应该利用自身在专业方面的知识和技能为投资决策,项目定位,项目拓展,运营核算,工程实施,销售促进提供在建筑技术专业方面的各项支持。

    Researchers should take advantage of their professional knowledge and skills to offer professional support to the architectural technology , making the decision for investment , orientating the project , developing the project , operating and check , implement the project , promoting the sale .

  30. 在BuildForge环境下,打开项目并定位到适配器步骤,运行分析命令。

    In Build Forge , open the project and locate the adaptor step that runs the analysis command .