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pīn tou
  • mistress;lover ;paramour
姘头 [pīn tou]
  • [paramour] 非夫妻关系而发生性行为男女中的一方

  1. 没想到你们也知道我有这个姘头。

    You even knew about my mistress .

  2. 然而我是在巴斯,人们有时在那里找姘头,却很少在那里找妻子。

    But I was at the Bath , where men find a mistress sometimes , but very rarely look for a wife .

  3. 别跟我说你是在护着Serena的新姘头

    Chuck : Don 't tell me you 're sticking up for Serena 's new bitch .

  4. 连我的姘头都被你们绑票。

    Never did I expect you to kidnap her .

  5. 在外面肯定有很多漂亮姘头。

    I 'm sure you got a lot of hot ass on the outside .

  6. 没有看出你和你的姘头不是在帮我。

    For failing to see that you and your whore were not aiding me .

  7. 这女人原来有个姘头,常常溜到我这儿来幽会,所以她不回去。

    It turned out this woman had a lover who always sneaked in here for a secret tryst , which is why she never went home .

  8. 泰奶奶的姘头是唯一保护黑海岸不被大灾变吞噬的货色,他在黑海岸地区中心制造了一个大型的旋涡。

    Malfurion Stormrage is the only thing keeping Darkshore from being devoured by the Cataclysm ; he 's created a giant twister in the middle of the zone .
