首页 / 词典 / good

  • mound;a block of stone or wood
  • cluster
  • 土堆:土~。

  • 厚而粗的木头、石头等;座儿:桥~。菜~(切菜用的砧类器具)。树~。

  • 量词,用于丛生的或几棵合在一起的植物:一~谷子。柳~。

  • 古同“蹲”。


(土堆) mound:

  • 土墩



(墩子) a block of stone or wood:

  • 桥墩

    pier (of a bridge);

  • 树墩



(用于丛生的或几棵合在一起的植物) cluster:

  • 两墩花

    two clusters of flowers

  1. 高墩曲线连续梁桥的横向地震响应分析

    Transversal earthquake reaction analysis of high mound curve continuous bridge

  2. 高墩翻模施工技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Construction Technology of the High Mound 's Turnover Formwork

  3. 我接连赢了六墩牌。

    I won six tricks in a row .

  4. 桥很高,被几个大木墩托起。

    The bridge was high , jacked up on wooden piers

  5. 这些塔楼耸立在一个混凝土墩座上。

    The towers rise out of a concrete podium .

  6. 除了这两个地区以外,英国还有五个“黑暗天空保护区”,包括雪墩山国家公园和埃克斯穆尔国家公园。

    They join five other dark reserves in the UK , including in Snowdonia and Exmoor .

  7. 那艘巨轮乘风破浪驶向海港,高塔般矗立在我所在的矮墩拖船前。

    She came riding up the harbor on a flood tide and towered high over the stout10 little tug that carried me .

  8. X型宽尾墩阶梯掺气空腔影响因素分析

    Affect Factors Analysis of Aerated Cavity of X-shaped Flaring Gate Pier

  9. V形墩及双薄壁墩连续刚构桥设计的探讨

    The Discussion of Design of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with V - Shaped Piers and Double - Thin Walled Piers

  10. MTMD控制铁路轻型墩横向振动研究

    Research on transverse vibration control of rail way Light-Pier with MTMD

  11. 新型X宽尾墩-台阶溢流坝-戽式消力池作为消能工之一,在水利枢纽中得到广泛的应用,并且常常采用模型试验的方式来验证工程的安全性。

    As one of the dissipation system , new X flaring gate pier-stepped spillway-bucket typed stilling pool is used in hydro-project , and always take the model experiment to validate the security of the project frequently .

  12. 千岛湖大桥主桥为(70+7×105+70+40)m连续刚构,其中1-8号墩为V形墩,介绍V形墩刚构的施工方法、临时水平预应力技术措施及不利工况的计算。

    1-No. 8 are V-shape piers . In this paper , the construction methods for the V-shape pier rigid-frame structure , the temporary horizontal prestressing techniques and calculations of the unfavorable load cases are dealt with .

  13. 新型的大跨度V形墩拱梁刚构组合体系桥梁充分发挥了拱受压、梁受拉的结构特性及其组合作用特点,但受力相对复杂。

    A new large-span V-pier arch-beam-frame composite bridge is fully designed with structural features of a compressive arch and a tensile beam and provided with combined effects on them but the forces applied are relatively complicated .

  14. 2000t预制箱梁墩顶精确对位方法

    The exactitude position method for 2 000 t prefabricated box beam on pier top

  15. 闸墩爆破拆除时,孔深达20m,钻孔精度要求很高。

    For demolition of out-size piers by drilling and blasting , the boreholes with a depth of up to 20m and very high drilling precision are required .

  16. 牛腿设计为将混凝土和推进荷载从MSS转移到墩柱(基础)上。

    The Supporting Brackets ( SB ) are designed to transfer the concreting and launching load from the MSS down to the pier column ( foundation ) .

  17. 实践证明,GPS定位技术确定的悬索桥索塔、锚锭、连续刚构桥主墩和西岸引桥高墩的平面和高程点位误差和相对点位误差均满足桥梁施工规范要求。

    Practice proves that the layout precisions of the cable support towers and anchorages of the suspension bridge , the main piers of the continuous rigid frame bridge , and the piers of the west approach bridge are fulfilled to the bridge construction specifications .

  18. 翻模法施工桥梁薄壁墩的竖直度控制BDF高强薄壁箱体、筒芯现浇混凝土空心楼盖技术

    Verticality control of the bridge thin-wall pier by using turnover formwork BDF HIGH STRENGTH THIN-WALL BOX OR TUBE FILLER CAST-IN-SITU HOLLOW CONCRETE FLOOR SYSTEM

  19. 该类桥将大跨预应力混凝土V形墩连续刚构和拱桥两种体系有机结合在一起,整体受力以V形墩连续刚构为主,拱对主跨起加劲作用。

    This combined sysytem bridge is to combine large span PC V-shaped pier continuous rigid frame bridge and arch structure , and the bearing force characteristics of overall structure is on the former , then the later is to play a role of stiffening the main span .

  20. 通过ANSYS中的单元生死功能,考虑自重、悬浇预应力、合拢预应力的影响,对最大悬臂状态施工阶段的曲线刚构空间应力、变形进行了分析,着重研究曲率、墩高的影响。

    By using the function of element 's birth or death in ANSYS , the influences of self-gravity and prestressing force on the curved rigid frame bridge in construction phase is researched , the paper also further discusses the main parameters such as curve radius and the height of pier .

  21. 针对地震作用下轻型墩墩顶位移控制设计问题,提出采用多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)对其位移进行控制,以降低对轻型墩的延性要求。

    Multiple tuned mass damper ( MTMD ) is proposed to be adopted in the design to control the light pier top displacement under seismic load so that light pier needs not to be very ductile .

  22. 通过对相同上部结构的连续刚构桥设定不同的墩高,分别开展了模态pushover分析、倒三角分布pushover分析、基本振型pushover分析和时程分析。

    Four kinds of analysis , including the modal pushover analysis , the inverted triangular distribution pushover analysis , the basic-mode pushover analysis and the time history analysis , are performed on a continuous rigid bridge with different height of piers .

  23. 龙潭河特大桥的最高墩有179m,是目前同类桥梁中的最高墩,由此引起的高墩稳定性问题尤为突出。

    Long Tan He Great Bridge processes the highest pier at present , the stability problem of high pier caused by this is particularly outstanding .

  24. 渡口河特大桥的5号墩高128m,对墩身稳定性和墩顶偏位要求严格,所以被选作原型观测的对象。

    Because height of No. 5 pier is 128 m , and strict with stability of pier and deviation of pier top , so were selected for the prototype observation target .

  25. 泉州晋江大桥引桥40m连续箱梁,具有混凝土梁较重、结构较刚、联长较大、各墩刚度变化较大的结构特点。

    The 40-m span continuous box girder used for the approach spans of Jinjiang River Bridge in Quanzhou is characterized by fairly heavy concrete girder , great structure rigidity , long continuous unit and considerable rigidity variations of the girder piers .

  26. 为了分析粗砂层上埋深14.5m扩底墩的竖向承载性状,建立了三维有限元非线性数值模型。

    In order to analyze the vertical bearing behavior of belled pier embedded in coarse sand at the depth of 14.5m , a three-dimensional non-linear finite-element numeric model is established .

  27. 双线桥墩宽达8.8m,若桥墩钢模板设计加固方案不当,墩面混凝土很容易出现波浪形,直接影响混凝土表面平整度技术指标。

    Pier width reach to 8.8m , if the construction scheme is not appropriate , the pier concrete will appear the wave form very easily , and affect evenness degree of the concrete surface .

  28. 高墩大跨梁桥设计理论研究

    Research into Design Theory of Beam Bridges with High-piers and Long-spans

  29. 锚杆混凝土抗滑墩加固滑体实例

    Case history of reinforcing slide body by anchor concrete anti-slide pier

  30. 碳纤维布加固闸墩承载力计算研究

    Study on calculation of bearing capacity of pier strengthened by CFRP